I just now saw your response to wanting a recliner for my Dad. I ended up buying a recliner for him off of this website. I wanted you to know I would have taken you up on your generous offer...I just didn't see it in time. Again, thank you!
Hello Salybow, I saw your comments regarding back surgery with Dr. Robertson in Ocala. I just went to see him last Thursday and I really like this guy. Would you mind sharing your experience with him. I am not necessarily in pain I am having more trouble with numbness from my knees down. He has recommended a laminectomy of L2, 3 , 4, 5. If you would not mind giving me a call I really appreciate talking to someone about this. I don't know if you were in pain or just numb like me. My name is Sharon Edwards and my phone number is 751-1120.
Small group so far. Would like to ask 6-8 ladies to ask to a house party, only 3 so far, one living elsewhere still. Make sure to send me your email and I will try to find more and get something planned.
Yep, I'm a Reds fan. I attended game 5 of the playoffs with the Giants, and my heart is still broken, but I'll still go to Redsfest and Spring Training in Arizona!
Thanks for your messages. I saw your messages when you posted them but didn't know where to find them to respond until now. So, I don't think I ever got back to you on your question. The answer is that we are in Hadley on Rhapsody Path (moved in one week ago today) but will be returning to NY on 2/16 and won't be back until fall!