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Hi, just wondering if anybody is still buying these zipper things.ANYONE WHO BOUGHT ONE OF THESE THINGS ARE GETTING RIPPED BY MORE THAN DOUBLE THE PRICE.There is a company in the US thats selling them for less than $7,000 shipped,port fees & taxes are dealt with by them not you.You must wait 60 days after you order it but it is guaranteed be there in 60 days.I have nothing with them just hate who become your buddy and then rip you off.By the way they don't over estimate your mileage telling you will get over 60 miles well the real # is maybe 35 miles.The guy on the highway across from publix is telling you a complete lie. It may get 50 miles on rollers in a box with no wind etc.By the way they don't charge over $2000 or for the batteries.Type in E JEEP ENCLOSED 4 SEAT MOBILTY SCOOTER WITH AC.$6,899 SHIPPED.Dont be stupid and get ripped, believe me he is not your buddy when you are paid and gone!