sunglow's Profile

sunglow sunglow is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. stewart20446
    01-20-2017 08:40 PM
    Hi. Interested in your queen headboard. How can I get in touch with you? Is it still available? K
  2. jljacobson
    12-31-2016 06:37 PM
    Do you have a screen door available?7016801513
  3. OpusX1
    07-31-2015 03:20 PM
    Hi is yor golf cart still for sale? Please let me know. Thanks.

  4. highschool71
    10-11-2014 11:13 AM
    Hello, very interested in your 3/2 courtyard villa. I need to move by Nov 1st. I have lived in the villages almost 11 years now and have rented this home for 4 years. so I am definitely looking for unfurnished and long term. I can be reached at 352 460 7469. thank you.
  5. BogeyBoy
    02-22-2013 01:44 PM
    I have one iPad cover left, it is the red one, let me know if that interests you. Thanks.


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 04:23 PM
  • Join Date: 07-01-2012
  • Referrals: 0
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