Tom Hannon's Profile

Tom Hannon Tom Hannon is offline

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  1. Misky1951
    01-14-2025 09:30 AM
    Hey Tom. We've talked about a strat league in the past. I've tried a couple of times to see if any interest in TV. Just touching bases to see if you have had any success. I still would love to play. Really not interested in the computer game. Steve
  2. iclash
    02-09-2021 09:17 AM
    iclash this is my friend steve. he just ran an ad about starting a strat club. contact him and we may have enough guys to start the club.
    joe s.
  3. JLH1962
    08-19-2020 06:49 PM
    Hi Tom,

    I am moving to the Villages next month. One of the things I thought might be fun to do was play some Strat-O-Matic baseball, like I did in the days of my youth. So I did a search on this forum, and your message popped up. But it was 8 years ago!! Are you still playing, and/or do you know if anybody else is?

  4. Mikey Osmond
    07-27-2020 01:19 AM
    Mikey Osmond
    Cool that you got to see Brazil/Rogers live. Read about that match as well as the ones between The Bastien Brothers and The Fabulous Kangaroos. I know the Island Garden was one of the main arenas for Capitol Wrestling in addition to Madison Square Garden, Sunnyside Gardens and Capitol Arena (in DC).
  5. efpeyton
    02-11-2017 02:48 PM
    Tom, i do know of a gentleman with quite a bit of painting experience. please call me at 352.272.2892 Thanks, Joe
  6. ajbrown
    01-24-2015 09:18 AM
    Tom, message 2 of 2

    I tend to do my testing with a volt meter (not hydro) so I do not have to take covers off, etc. For example, take the cart out for a ride, drive it around for 20 mins+, as soon as you get home, take the voltage of each battery, looking for one that does not match. Years ago one of my packs the voltage was 8+, 8+, 8+, 8+, 8+, 6 (see a problem?)

    On my volt meter I also have alligator clips. A nice test is clip a voltmeter onto one battery. Put the go pedal to the floor and look at voltage drop to see how low it goes. See if one battery stands out as really different; it will be obvious.

    If this seems like too much, I would just call up Battery Boys and see what they charge you to check the pack.

    It is possible a pack only lasts two years based on maintenance, i.e., level of discharge on each use, during summer, water, etc, etc...

    Hope that help. Good luck.
  7. ajbrown
    01-24-2015 09:14 AM
    Hi Tom.

    I had to split this message into two as it was too many characters <lol>

    I still love reading TOTV, I do not mind the negativity, it is easy to ignore. I do not post much anymore because someone usually have already said what I think and typically say it better than I could write it anyway <grin>.

    I am just a guy that has learned about battery packs because I love electric carts. I am not a professional, so caveat you...if this was my cart...

    First question is does the charger come on? Does the needle move over to the right, does the charger stay on? Nothing else matters if the charger is not charging <grin>

    Next I would check the voltage of the pack after the pack is charged (charger has run for hours and shuts off, WAIT a few hours after charger shuts off). The pack should be over 50 up to 50.9.

    this is message 1 of 2
  8. bandsdavis
    11-09-2014 12:40 PM
    Hi Tommy! Good to hear from you! Yes "3" is still going strong, but we've been on a three week hiatus while the other 2 guys travel. We start up again at the end of the week. We'll be playing a lot of private parties in Nov and Dec, quite a bit at the 2 City Fire Restaurants, and we are at Lake Sumter Town Square on Dec 21. Also at City Fire Brownwood on New Years Eve. Busy schedule. But, I am leaving the band at the end of the year. I started the Pops Chorus early this year, and I have numerous opportunities to direct and perform in musical theater productions, including "Les Miz" next March. So something had to give, and the amount of gigging with "3" was really wearing me out, so that lost out. They have already found my replacement, a guy named Ray Lamia who sings with the Blues Bros Tribute Band and with a new band called Flipside (started by the "4" guitarist, Gary Senator). So "3" will continue on quite well without me. Hope to run into you one of these days!

  9. Queen
    12-03-2013 11:09 AM
    Hi Tom, My husband and I would like to receive notices of meetings of the L.I. Club. Please respond with information as to how we can contact you by phone or e-mail. Thanks so much. Queen
  10. bandsdavis
    01-05-2013 08:31 PM
    Hey Tommy! Here's the schedule for 3 For the Road for the next few months as of today. Big news is that we are at Spanish Springs Town Square Jan 29. Pretty good for a band only together since October! Hope to see you! PLease be sure to say hi!


    Upcoming Schedule:
    Friday, January 11 - Bonifay Country Club - 6-8:30 PM
    Tuesday, January 15 - Bonifay Country Club - 12:30-3 PM
    Sunday, January 20 - Cody's - 5:00-9:00 PM
    Saturday, January 26 - Evans Prairie Country Club - 6:30-9:30 PM
    Tuesday, January 29 - SPANISH SPRINGS TOWN SQUARE - 5-9PM
    Saturday, February 9 - Evans Prairie Country Club - 6:30-9:30 PM
    Friday, February 15 - Bonifay Country Club - 6-8:30 PM
    Sunday, February 17 - Cody's - 5:00-9:00 PM
    Friday, February 22 - Cody's - 5:00-9:00 PM
    Sunday, February 24 - Evans Prairie Country Club - 12:30-3:30 PM
    Wednesday, March 6 - Cody's - 5:00-9:00 PM
    Wednesday, March 20 - Cody's 5:00-9:00 PM

About Me

  • About Tom Hannon
    Born Feb 4, 1948. FRom Long Island. East Meadow and Ronkonkoma
    Golf, softball, chess and published fiction and short story writer
    Machinist- Owner of TOJOPA TOOL AND INSTRUMENT for 36 years. Now retired.
  • Signature
    East Meadow, Ronkonkoma.
    Living in The Villages is like dying and going to heaven...without the dying part.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-25-2024 05:04 PM
  • Join Date: 01-05-2010
  • Referrals: 2


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