Tomterrif's Profile

Tomterrif Tomterrif is offline

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  1. Tomterrif
    02-09-2024 07:12 PM
    Tale of Two Meals
    Ate at Cane Garden and Belle Glade this week. Had not been to Cane Garden in years… patronized restaurant due to golf sale. Talked to GM Steve Wajda extensively…. Great menu…. Meals well above average… Will be going back. Went with friends to Belle Glade… my wife and I had sesame chicken and pineapple chicken respectively. Neither of us said anything because our friends invited us… afterwards I told her my meal was one of the worst I have ever had… she said the same thing… almost could not find the chicken in our meals… small and 75% was the basting… like eating a McNugget without the chicken…. Used to eat there regularly… but menu is mundane and value low for at least these meals … rolls were good… but nothing else… very disappointing
  2. Tomterrif
    11-02-2021 07:18 AM
    Thanks for all the comments...almost all were helpful
  3. Tomterrif
    08-16-2021 03:53 PM
    We have used Village Airport Van for several years but since they started picking up outside the Villages their pick up and drop off times have become ridiculous… it used to be about 3.5 hrs but now is beyond 4.5… any recomn NDA ruins in alternatives… there are always two of us so I believe the cost would be a reasonable increase


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  • Last Activity: 10-27-2024 02:41 PM
  • Join Date: 09-17-2015
  • Referrals: 0
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