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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 31
  1. JMintzer
    11-11-2024 12:53 PM
    Yes. Soon to be retired. In DC
  2. Jimjr
    09-07-2022 08:56 PM
  3. JMintzer
    05-11-2021 04:13 PM
    Thanks... Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
  4. Roll With It
    03-05-2018 08:18 PM
    Roll With It
    Thank you very much!
    09-23-2017 03:52 PM
    We are planning to move there and we are not there right now. Thanks.
  6. bbbbbb
    07-17-2017 07:50 AM
    Hi, we were one time West Coasters, San Diego and many stops, Cal ,Oregon, Washington going north to Seattle.
    On Nova Scotia, my mom was raised in Parrsboro, we visited there, it was awesome for sure.

  7. luvdancin
    01-22-2017 06:30 PM
    The main reason I'm moving away from CA is because I need to downsize due to cost of living. My children are all grown and each living in a different state. The houses have become so expensive in my area that I would need to move out in the boonies to get an affordable one-story. The utility expenses just continue rising and the traffic is horrible. The quality of life is not the best for seniors. I love Temecula and the weather is the best in the US- my opinion- except for a couple of summer months. When I saw The Villages I was instantly "in love". I plan on moving there within 6 months.
  8. Mary Pat Delgado
    01-04-2017 01:00 PM
    Mary Pat Delgado
  9. Mary Pat Delgado
    01-04-2017 01:00 PM
    Mary Pat Delgado
    yes all settled ! Happy 2017
  10. dianemacneil
    12-08-2016 06:04 PM
    Hi there: This is our 3rd visit, but our first for the winter. We'll be here until the end of March. No, I haven't found anything yet as far as performing, but I'm not too worried. It will come if it's meant to be. In the meantime, we're loving every minute. We didn't buy a house mainly because of the dollar exchange. We would be throwing away good money at this point. The future will tell us I guess. Thanks so much for your email.


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  • Last Activity: 02-05-2025 09:43 AM
  • Join Date: 12-15-2015
  • Referrals: 0
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