Wing-nut2's Profile

Wing-nut2 Wing-nut2 is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. Carl in Tampa
    09-13-2013 05:03 PM
    Carl in Tampa
    I see you were at FLETC. While there did you know Fran Uteg (Secret Service)? In the early days of FLETC Dick Jones was there; several years ago a USSS agent named Ken (don't recall last name) was in charge. The mists of time obscure the names of others. During the Nixon years I worked with retired OSI agents Jim Baker, Maurice Cailouette, Harold Biffle and others. Any names familiar?
  2. notlongnow
    01-29-2013 12:10 PM
    I got a Friend request from you and I have tried to accept it but it won't take.
    Any suggestions
  3. livan
    05-16-2012 04:56 PM
    hello, my sister needs a cyv , long term, unfirnished, pet friendly.. who would you suggest she contact to help her out? thanks , larry ivan
  4. cabinetjobs
    12-15-2011 08:02 AM
    My husband is in need of a room for 3 months - Feb., Mar., Apr. and he loves cats (we have two dogs and a cat). Can we talk?
  5. Wing-nut2
    05-05-2010 03:49 PM
  6. Lou Card
    05-05-2010 08:38 AM
    Lou Card
    is wing-nut as in GOLD WING or just Crazy? Hee Hee

About Me

  • About Wing-nut2
    U.S.A.F. Retired
    Firearms Instructor, Retired, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
  • Signature
    USAF Retired

    U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service

    Senior Firearms Instructor,
    Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)
    Glynco, GA


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General Information
  • Last Activity: Today 08:36 AM
  • Join Date: 05-01-2010
  • Referrals: 0


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