wkstephan's Profile

wkstephan wkstephan is offline

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  1. wkstephan
    12-13-2022 11:04 PM
    Can someone please provide information about the Christmas tree lawn ornament commonly found in The Villages communities? They consist of one vertical bar and six or so horizontal bar “limbs”, and are illuminated with twinkle lights, usually with a lit star at the top.

    They seem to be made of wood or plastic. All are identical in size, shape and dimensions, which suggests they are purchased from a common source or constructed using the same design specs.

    Does anyone know where/how they are made and how I can purchase/acquire one?

    Any help here would be most appreciated.



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  • Last Activity: 02-06-2025 04:08 AM
  • Join Date: 03-15-2021
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