wmkhut's Profile

wmkhut wmkhut is offline

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  1. wmkhut
    08-23-2013 12:41 PM
    Where could I see them?
    Will be in TV tomorrow (Sat) for most of the day.
    Closing on new home there on 9/10
    Bill 352-697-3133
  2. dsander
    08-23-2013 07:43 AM
    bill, the mattress and box spring are in excellent shape and very clean. Not sure of age.
    Asking $150.00. You are welcome to come see them anytime.
  3. wmkhut
    08-21-2013 08:09 AM
    Our golf cart did come with the sunbrella enclosure ......luckily the weather was nice enuf not to need it!
    We had a VERY nice courtyard villa (3 BR/2bath/2 car garage) in Creekside for ourLSV.
    It was nicely appointed and furnished with everything you might need!
  4. Schaumburger
    08-21-2013 04:10 AM
    wmkhut -- I am taking a LSV in October. Did the golf cart that came with your LSV have a sunbrella enclosure, or did you have to pay extra for the sunbrella enclosure? How did you like the house that came with the LSV? The houses look pretty nice from the photos I have seen of them. I am so looking forward to returning to The Villages in October. Thanks in advance.

    Laura, A/K/A Schaumburger

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  • Join Date: 06-10-2013
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