Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

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Old 10-04-2010, 09:43 PM
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Froglady, it sounds as if you recently finished this book. Maybe if you take some time contemplating the book for a while, you might come away with some value. This is what I found:

She took a pilgrimage or journey that has moral importance to beliefs and faith. Pilgrimage is a common human experience and many religions recommend pilgrimages as an OUTWARD search.

She taught the challenge of stilling your mind which applies to everyone, whether you pray to Christ, or some other higher power, or simply meditate. The book teaches that prayer/meditation brings peace and renewed joy in life and relationships. An INWARD search.

I thought the book offered insights into the process of learning to forgive yourself and others.

She also learned that the nature of God is love. And, the book teaches faith and devotion.

The takeaway is:
  • search for truth by distancing yourself from everyday circumstances
  • begin/continue to pray . . . then stop and be quiet and listen
  • forgive yourself and others
  • know that God is love
  • have faith in what you believe is true

Last edited by K9-Lovers; 10-04-2010 at 09:46 PM.
Old 10-05-2010, 08:11 AM
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The takeaway is:

* search for truth by distancing yourself from everyday circumstances
* begin/continue to pray . . . then stop and be quiet and listen
* forgive yourself and others
* know that God is love
* have faith in what you believe is true

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