Avatar creation

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Old 02-11-2009, 01:19 PM
tony tony is offline
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Default Avatar creation

We have been asked for instructions about how to insert a picture for your avatar. The avatar is the graphic that appears under your name for each post.
Before the instructions, though, we ask you to please not use copyrighted material in your avatar. Please do not use a copyrighted image in your avatar. Disney images are copyrighted, as are cartoon and pictures you find on the web. Did I say to please not use copyrighted material in your avatar?
Now, the instructions, and as always, they appear far more complicated than they are.

Just print these and follow along step by step.

Prepare the picture you want to use.

It must be
  • a JPEG file
  • 120 pixels by 120 pixels at the biggest
  • 72 pixels per inch resolution
For Windows computers, there is free software on the internet to do that. Go to the following link.
Download the software and install it.
It has always worked well for me, even in a commercial setting, where I had to pay for it. It never fouled a machine. If you would rather not download and install it, ask somebody who is knowledgeable to resize your picture for you.
If you download it, then step by step instructions to resize are available at the following link.
Now that you have your picture
Log into the forum and follow along.

Select User CP (User Control Panel) at the upper left of the forum.
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On the left at the Control Panel selections.

Go down to Settings & Options

Then click on Edit Avatar

In the Dialogue box in the center of the screen, click Choose File.

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Select a file from your computer and click the proper button to make it upload.

After it uploads, click the Save Changes button.

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Your graphic will appear as an avatar in all your posts, past and present.

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