The birthdays

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Old 01-01-2009, 05:28 AM
tony tony is offline
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Default The birthdays

You may have noticed on the main page the huge number of people who birthday it is today.

That happened because the system sets birthdays to Jan. 1, 1901, for everybody who
did not specify a birthday. If you would like, you can change your birthday in the
User CP up at top left, and you can also specify that your birthday not be shown ever.

The User CP is the User Control Panel.

To change it,
  • Click User CP
  • Edit your details
  • Look in the third data box down the page to set your birthday.

On the other hand, think if the birthdays are correct and we have that many
thousands of people on the forum who are 108 years old. Or do you just
feel that old?


Old 01-01-2009, 06:59 AM
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Smile Thanks Tony!

We were very confused about that, but lately it takes very little to get me confused...The cold weather froze my brains....The Villages Florida

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