How to use bullet points in your posts

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Old 01-01-2009, 12:44 PM
tony tony is offline
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Default How to use bullet points in your posts

  • Type your list of items with a carriage return at the end of each line. As many lines as you want.
  • When you have typed all, take your mouse cursor to the spot just before the first character on the first line.
  • Click and hold there.
  • Now drag to after the last character on the last line
  • Let go of the mouse button.

Your list of items should be completely selected
  • Look in the row of buttons over the text entry block
  • About middle is 1,2,3 for numbering and three bullets for bullet points.
  • With the text in your post selected, click the bullet point tool.
If you look at the text now, you will see the formatting that the forum software uses to make bullet points.

You can type that manually if you like. Or you can move it, if you miss a letter or two, buy cutting and pasting.

Down at the bottom of the text entry block you will find a Preview Message button. Using this can save you from having to edit your message one you place it.

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