2009 Calendar at Citizens First Bank

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Old 12-02-2008, 10:14 PM
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Default 2009 Calendar at Citizens First Bank

I was at Citizens First Bank today.... they are giving out 2009 Calendars. The theme this year is 50 year anniversary (from when the original Orange Blossom Gardens land was bought, I guess)... each month shows pictures from past and present.

I learned something new.... the Hacienda Center was originally a sales office -- before Spanish Springs town square was built.

Come and get it!!!
Maryland (DC Suburbs) - first 51 years
The Villages - next 51 years
Old 12-03-2008, 06:40 AM
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Someone grab one for me.

I thought that the Hacienda Center looked really interesting.

It is amazing how things evolved. When we first visited TV, in a driving rainstorm about ten years ago, Spanish Springs was the only sales center and it was furnished with early American, very inappropriate furnishings. I was sure that the area had recently changed hands, but I came to find out that they were smart enough to have a Disney architect design the building and not so smart to have a family member do the decorating. They certainly have come a long way.

I wish that someone would write a really researched book about TV, including the mistakes and misdirections taken and include a few tasty bits about the Morse, Schwartz tribe.

I love Village07's description of the developers as "benign dictators".

I grow more in awe and more appreciative of the Morse family every day!
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