Animals in public places

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Old 08-06-2007, 07:06 AM
BUC BUC is offline
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Default Re: Animals in public places

Please, someone get fences approved in the backyards that you have paid for. I'm not talking about putting a pick up truck up on blocks in the front yard. I'm talking about tastefully fencing in a small area in your backyard if enough people actively voiced this concern it can be changed. Those who sat no fences because it would detract from the openness of the TV. Please stay of other people's backyard. No one is suggesting that our dogs will put outback and left there, I wouldn't put my grandkids out back without being present and trust me my dog is much better behaved than the grandkids, I love the grandkids. It just that I don't want to be limited to living in a villa to enjoy the backyard (that I pay for) with my dog, and for late night trips for the dogs use.
Old 08-06-2007, 07:44 AM
pgilson pgilson is offline
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Default Re: Animals in public places

We have an invisable fence for our springer spanial at our Michigan home, and we have a court yard villa with a doggie door for her in the Villages. Both work very well for her. The "fence" is a PetSafe produce and I would recommend it.
We also are responsible pet owners and also use a leash with her in public areas. I wish everyone would follow the leash rule. Sometimes at the lake pet park, people let their dogs run loose and it has caused problems.
Michigan snowbirds
Old 08-06-2007, 08:10 AM
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Default Re: Animals in public places

Lake Pet Park??? .. I've been trying to find out where the Pet parks are. Even Village Real Estate Agents don't seem to know where they are.

I know there is one quite a bit north of 466, but I was hoping to find one more southerly. Could you elaborate on where the Lake Pet Park is located, or any other pet parks?
Barefoot At Last
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Old 08-06-2007, 01:01 PM
nanci2539 nanci2539 is offline
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Default Re: Animals in public places

I would take ten dogs in a public place any day over people who smoke and are rude about it. Sorry smokers but not only are you endangering your own health, you are putting others at risk with second hand smoke.

I for one wish TV would ban smoking in public places.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
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