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Old 03-23-2010, 09:12 PM
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Hawkwind Hawkwind is offline
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Default Basements?

I am wondering why homes in some areas of Florida and TV can't be build with a basement. I can see that in low areas the water table would be a major problem but how about areas such as Truman and Mallory? Both areas have a higher elevation and the water should not be a problem.

Another thing may be that because of the sand the hole size would need to be much larger that up north as the sand would tend to settle back in. This would be a big problem if the lot was the last one to be built on a street.

Also the foundation would have to be poured and walls set in a very short period of dry weather as any amount of rain would wash the sand into the hole.

If you look at the cart path tunnels many of them are well below ground level. Do they totally fill up with water during a heavy rain?

Cost would be another factor but many northern folks would not mind paying for the added storage space and shelter.

I use to stay in a condo over at New Smyrna Beach that had a parking desk that was below ground level and it was directly on the ocean.

What other reasons am I missing as to why basements cannot be built?
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