Block vs Wood construction

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Old 12-05-2009, 04:44 PM
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Default Block vs Wood construction

Would like peoples views on this, pros and cons. We heard ins. is cheaper for block but not as much insulation. Thanks
Old 12-05-2009, 05:12 PM
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Default We bought wood / Vinyl

After owning a block / stucco house for 9 years in Sarasota, I was leaning towards that here.

That's until the wife said "You know, with vinyl you won't have to paint!"

Since we had to paint the Sarasota house in year 8, she had me convinced; vinyl it was....
Old 12-05-2009, 05:16 PM
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Default Block

Block - less maintenance period.
Old 12-05-2009, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by F16 1UB View Post
Block - less maintenance period.
Can you elaborate?
Old 12-05-2009, 09:52 PM
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We prefer the block over vinyl because it is a bit stronger in high winds.
I have had a few issues with vinyl coming loose on other homes I have owned and being damaged while trimming grass, etc.
Block does need painted after some I think it is a matter of personal choice as to what you want your home construction to be.
Block appears to give a bit more sound dampening over stick built.
All homes constructed in Florida now have to be built to higher wind standards then what you would find in a typical Northern home.
If you have a home built in TV's expect to pay more for block over the cost of vinyl.
Old 12-05-2009, 10:23 PM
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Default sooo??????

I have a question about block...what happens with settling and or sinkholes? Does block crack with settling or be impossible to correctif you have even slight problems with a sinkhole? I was leaning toward block due to insulation but the previous questions ...I would need answered first.

Thanks for any responses you might have

Old 12-05-2009, 10:26 PM
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Originally Posted by otherbruddaDarrell View Post
We prefer the block over vinyl because it is a bit stronger in high winds.
I have had a few issues with vinyl coming loose on other homes I have owned and being damaged while trimming grass, etc.
Block does need painted after some I think it is a matter of personal choice as to what you want your home construction to be.
Block appears to give a bit more sound dampening over stick built.
All homes constructed in Florida now have to be built to higher wind standards then what you would find in a typical Northern home.
If you have a home built in TV's expect to pay more for block over the cost of vinyl.
Agreed. As witnessed in the tornado, the vinyl homes in general sustained more damage. Much of the damage from the high winds came from missile-like effects of flying debris, which the concrete homes will be better able to resist. Additionally, there is less wood used in a concrete block building, making it more termite resistant. Concrete blocks don't burn or rot, and are more effective at reducing thermal swings - the thermal mass of the home if it is well built allows for less air infiltration. Concrete block homes are virtually soundproof if they have high-quality windows and doors with good weatherstripping.
Old 12-05-2009, 10:47 PM
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As far as sink holes go I think it would cause severe damage to any home.
Vinyl and block homes have poured concrete floors and both are prone to a certain amount of cracking as things settle.
We bought a pre-owned that is now 15 years old and things are about as settled as they will be.
When we pulled up the carpet before we had porcelein tile installed there were several small, but long cracks in the floor.
I do have one section on an exterior wall at the blocks that some mortar has cracked along the seam, but that is an easy repair. Up north I had to have tuck pointing done on the chimney because some of the mortar worked itself loose in time.
Then again, we also had to replace some damaged vinyl on that home.............
Speaking of sink wife and I think we (as well as everyone else in TV's) should check to make sure we are covered on the insurance policy for damage from sink holes.
Old 12-06-2009, 08:53 AM
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Default low maintenance

One other note-There is a paint product called elastomeric that is guaranteed for 15 years. Pricey, but IMHO well worth the money.
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Old 12-06-2009, 09:01 AM
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...Both block and vinyl are built on concrete slabs. I expect there's not much difference if either is on a sink hole.

As another poster said, you should make sure you understand your homeowners insurance coverage, or lack of same.
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Old 12-06-2009, 10:03 AM
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When we purchased last May, we only looked at concrete for the following:

1. Soundproof, I mean it is quiet inside!
2. Cheaper heating and cooling.
3. Stronger, hence cheaper insurance for FL, $100+ cheaper then our AL House with a lower deductable.

We have owned frame and siding houses are our whole lives, and now that we have the concrete CYV, I would NEVER go back to frame/siding again.

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Old 12-06-2009, 02:50 PM
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There are pros and cons of each that can be debated endlessly. Put all that aside, and buy the style you find most appealing and desirable for your own lifestyle.
Old 12-06-2009, 05:22 PM
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Default Block versus Vinyl shingles

By far, block/concrete is better. Just push in the vinyl siding with your hand or fist and you'll feel it buckle. That is no proof of sturdiness. Block/Concrete has to be painted every 8 years or so, but if primed with a top product, that time period can be extended. That said, shingles have to be replaced every so often, and often, a color match is impossible.
Old 12-06-2009, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by RVRoadie View Post
There are pros and cons of each that can be debated endlessly. Put all that aside, and buy the style you find most appealing and desirable for your own lifestyle.

Wise advice...
Old 12-06-2009, 09:51 PM
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Originally Posted by RVRoadie View Post
There are pros and cons of each that can be debated endlessly. Put all that aside, and buy the style you find most appealing and desirable for your own lifestyle.
Wise advice is right!!

We bought a concrete block home because we liked it. The folks across the street, who are likable, intelligent people for sure, opted for a frame home. There is no right or wrong answer to this question!!
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