Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
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As far as why they require the equipment to be donated? Don't care. If it ends up not being donated then I guess they won't open. Still don't understand why we ask the question unless you were interested in donating and want to make sure the money is well spent. Didn't they open a information office somewhere in TV. If so, then go ask them directly. No one on this board seems to know. |
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Just thought it might be worth a short discussion pertaining to the damned outsiders using TV amenities. .
Da Chicago So Side; The Village of Park Forest, IL; 3/7 Cav, 3rd Inf Div, Schweinfurt, Ger 65-66; MACV J12 Saigon 66-67; San Leandro, Hayward & Union City, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) GO DUBS ! (aka W's) |
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![]() As a radiation therapy technologist I agree with the importance of duplication the radiation port correctly every day. This new equiptment allows us to treat to higher doses at the cancer site while sparing other good tissue. This is marvelous! The part with which I take humbrage is two fold. I have a friend who has been treated at the B Center and can attest that she got what was on the cutting edge of treatment there. I don't think that there is a problem with having two cancer centers in an area that in which the demographics are so skewed to the right. We are an aging population. My problem is that they used scare tactics which were not true to get people to donate. I also feel that they should have funded their center the way they funded all their other centers. I doubt they would solicit donations from say Leesburg. The Morses were kind enough to donate the center, why can't Moffit supply the equiptment that they will be able to recover the cost of in a short time. The whole idea of solicitation is offputting to me, but the dishonest way in which this solicitation was marketed is appalling. ![]() From my earlier posts you can see that I "smelled a rat" early on, but now I know what is causing the stench. Most importantly, congratulations and best wishes for the future to Dawoo. God's Bleesings in the future. Also, just my opinion
Sally Bowron Cincinnati, Ohio; Osceola Hills at Soaring Eagle, TV When God made me he said Ta Da! ![]() |
Am I incorrect or will the Morse's own the building and the equipment we are donating when all is said and done?
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Care to improve dramatically when Moffitt Cancer Center opens here If the link doesn't work, copy and paste: Is it misleading? |
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Also note that there will be 2 centers as part of the Central Florida Health Alliance; the Leesburg facility and the Villages facility. And just as an aside, for those of us living in the southern part of The Villages, the Leesburg Center will be closer and more convenient. http://
Brooklyn, The Poconos, Garden City South, The Village of Hemingway ![]() |
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"When The Villages developer offered to finance and build a 51,668-square-foot building for The Villages Health System that Moffitt could use, Villages residents started raising money so The Villages Health System could buy and own equipment that Moffitt would need." |
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I think this further strengthens the idea that the Moffitt 'approach' is not simply about the equipment that is housed at the affiliate locations. This appears to be much more of a comprehensive approach to battling cancer. The 'B' facility may be a first class treatment center but Moffitt appears to much, much more. I can understand why they were ranked as the #12 center in the US in terms of comprehensive cancer care and research. Beating cancer is more than the final treatment. Yes, for the patient it is about determining the best course of action to battle 'their' current condition. For the rest of us, and those that come after, it is about finding the answer to the best ways to prevent and cure cancer in the future. My reading on Moffitt makes me conclude that they are in deeply entrenched in that battle. Read this page about their 'total cancer care': This will be my last response on Moffitt. I encourage everyone to get as many answers to as many questions as you have so you will feel comfortable with them if you wish to help out. If you have questions why not just contact them instead of debating each other? Last edited by Russ_Boston; 12-03-2010 at 11:05 PM. |
Russ, I think the debate here and among Villagers is necessary. There is no argument that Moffitt is a first-class center. The issue is how it is being pushed down our throats with a lot of hype but no real answers as to the whys and whats.
Why do we need three cancer centers so close together? Why was Morse so insistent that one be built on Villages property? Why are Villagers asked to fund the equipment? Why was Relay for Life removed from TV? Who ultimately pays for the land, the building (we know who pays for the equipment)? What happens if the goals are not met in two years and, at the rate donations are being made, it doesn't look like it will? And so on and so forth. I have called and asked some questions, but received no real answers -- just the party line.
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention Moved here from SF Bay Area (East Bay) "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein |
Who has funded the equipment at all of the other Moffitt Centers? Are they all resident contributions, or is this one unique?
Robert Boissoneault Oncology Institute is having a OPEN HOUSE today 10am till 2pm. It would be nice for all to see just what they have to offer. I bet the fund raisers will not be there.
The B center is short for Robert Boissonneault Oncology Institute. I just don't have a great memory for French names.
Sally Bowron Cincinnati, Ohio; Osceola Hills at Soaring Eagle, TV When God made me he said Ta Da! ![]() |
Ya know, apparently many of us (me included) don't have enough to keep our minds occupied. We need to keep a certain edge or drama in our life. Being mellow and going with the flow must not be good for us or something. Sometimes we over-examine everything. Either you decide to donate or not. It seems pretty logical to me. It's a good cause or it isn't. The developer has motives or he doesn't - who cares? It's really not all that complicated. I personally like lots of choices, the very best available care and convenience. I don't have a horse in this race. I think all will survive.
Excuse me a second, I've got to get out my checkbook. Maybe I'll send them both some money so I can move on. Cards anyone? Xavier |
Salybow, the "B" is an "institute", as it says in their name. ...It does not offer or have the services that a "cancer center" has for their patients.
Closed Thread |