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Old 07-02-2009, 03:25 PM
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Default Comcast

We are closing on our new home in Amelia on the 13th and when I called comcast they said I could not get the triple play. I have read others who got it. Does anyone in Amelia have it yet?
Old 07-02-2009, 08:00 PM
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I am in Amelia and have had the triple play for almost a year. Like it. Not sure how much my bill will go up when the year is up.
Columbus OH, The Villages - Amelia
Old 07-02-2009, 09:22 PM
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I feel your pain. I am going through the same process. We also have a home in Amelia, closed June 4th. Lot 100. I have been trying to get Comcast triple play with the $200 cash back. Been told it is not available in Fl. They also have to check if the service can be connected to your house. So far I have been told that cable and internet service is there, tomorrow (fri.) am suppose to find out about phone. I have been a Comcast customer for 30 yrs. and this is driving me crazy. You can order triple play on line, not sure if it will go through. Also try calling, 1-888-COMCAST when it asks for a phone number put in (352) and any 7 numbers this will put you in contact with the local office. They seemed the most helpful to me. Good luck.
Old 07-02-2009, 09:52 PM
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Default Florida comcast direct phone number

Here's the direct phone number to The Villages Comcast office:

Lexington MA, Chelmsford MA, Nashua NH, The Villages, Florida

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