Congratulations to all members

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Old 09-02-2007, 05:57 PM
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Default Re: Congratulations to all members

Originally Posted by Taltarzac
Yes. Congratulations to the TOTV staff and the many posters and viewers. My point in the flamers' post is that all should also be padded on the back for keeping trolls and other internet pests out unless they have not yet discovered TOTV. Here is a little more information on trolls--

Here is a good quote about trolls--

"There is a small group that are dishonest and deliberately target and attack others. The anonymous nature of internet life has allowed them to take advantage and downright hurt people. I am a true believer that the main defense against these individuals is education. I will also note that I don't claim to be an authority on this subject. As a site owner, I have done extensive research on this issue and therefore have had a lot of "hands on" experience dealing with trolls, giving me a significant amount of real life reference. I hope our readers will find this information helpful."

I have not seen a single post on TOTV which has some of these troll like characteristics. I know that on other boards I have used once a troll appears some of the regular posters and I expect many of the viewers look for a pasture without the marks of a troll. In other words, the web page hits decrease. Another link on these kind of pests which also covers more serious internet behavior --Again, congrats for keeping these kind pests of off of TOTV. The love bugs are coming to the Villages soon and I expect that is enough of a problem to have to deal with than people who love fighting with others and various message boards usually by taking the cheapest kinds of shots.

I am also speaking from about 4 years of dealing with a troll on another message board. He did quite a lot of damage over that time.
See i just learned some more from this site never heard about love bugs before
thanks for this bit of florida living info larry
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Old 09-02-2007, 07:36 PM
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Default Re: Congratulations to all members bugs are here the year-round. You can find 'em at Katie Belle's. ;D
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Old 09-03-2007, 01:20 PM
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Default Re: Congratulations to all members

Originally Posted by JohnZ bugs are here the year-round. You can find 'em at Katie Belle's. ;D
That's a different kind of love bug? Could that be a verb-- to love bug? He love bugged. He had love bugged. He will love bug. He would have love bugged. Check out Boynton Beach Club at the Old Mill Playhouse. There is a lot of love bugging in that movie. It is playing until the 6th and started at the Old Mill Playhouse on the 31st of August.
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