Creekside cabanas

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Old 11-25-2008, 12:16 PM
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Default Creekside cabanas

i know there have been a number of threads of late regarding the new construction on Buena Vista near LSL

for everyone's info that haven't heard already, at least for now...the new homes (some at least) are being scheduled for lifestyle visits...i know, because we just learned (from TV) that my wife and i will be staying there for our upcoming visit in February....and for no additional fee (over the daily rental fee), a golf cart and 2 bicycles are included along with the "usual" lifestyle freebies

not sure how this effects those that are in the rental program...but one can guess...and i have no info on if all, most, some lifestyle visits are being scheduled for this new area but i do know of at least one other couple that recently scheduled their visit in February and are staying in Creekside as well
Old 11-25-2008, 12:37 PM
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I was told by a Villages Real Estate Agent that Creekside was built strictly for rentals including lifestyle previews.

I'm sure it will affect the Home Owner's Rental Program. But hopefully there'll be lots of business to go around.
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