Cudos to Chief Mike Tucker

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Old 08-06-2007, 08:47 AM
amityk amityk is offline
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Default Cudos to Chief Mike Tucker

Mike's comments once again about the house numbers and names on the lamp posts was so appropriate and important. I walk and ride my bike a lot here in the Villages and it amazes me how many people have allowed their flowers to totally obstruct the sign posts. Another observation I have made is part time residents who remove their signs when they leave, hopefully there will never be a need for the fire dept to respond to that address!! Personally we made a decision for a permanent sign on our house with number and names.
Old 08-06-2007, 10:53 AM
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Default Re: Cudos to Chief Mike Tucker

Address numbers must be on all homes not just signs on lamp posts. Once authorities are given an address, they should have no problem finding a house using web-based GIS or GPS. Heck, now we can do this on our cell phones for $9.95 a month. I'd worry a little about police, fire or paramedics needing signs to find us given the technology today.
Brooklyn, Long Island City and Oyster Bay NY
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Old 08-06-2007, 10:56 AM
LG LG is offline
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Default Re: Cudos to Chief Mike Tucker

SOUTH of 466 is not on GPS yet.... an easy way to fins out is to go to GOOGLE MAPS and enter you address.. see what come up where
Old 08-06-2007, 11:36 AM
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Default Re: Cudos to Chief Mike Tucker

Understood LG. And this raises an interesting question. I know that there is lag-time from when the initial road surveys are uploaded to the county GIS and then there is lag-time uploading the location address layer when they are established and there is lag-time uploading this to civilian accessible GPS programs. The question is, how long does this usually take? I would assume that county emergency services would rely on GIS information not yet accessible to us but is available to them. We live in TV, Marion, and it took a couple of years for the location of our home and business to appear on Google earth. I hope it doesn't take two years for local governments to update their GIS. Interesting.
Brooklyn, Long Island City and Oyster Bay NY
USAF Sheppard AFB, Witchita Falls, TX
Bellbrook, OH
Hollywood, FL
Woodstock, GA
The Villages, FL
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