Deed Restricted Communities

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Old 08-29-2007, 09:50 AM
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Default Re: Deed Restricted Communities

Southern Trace is North of 466....more relaxed covenants there. Can I assume you live South of 466 LG?
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Old 08-29-2007, 11:48 AM
Lil Dancer Lil Dancer is offline
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Default Re: Deed Restricted Communities

They seem to be pretty restrictive south of Rt. 466. I heard you can't have a fruit tree in your front yard, and no vegetables planted earlier. I heard a woman got cited for having a tomato plant by her house. You can have an arbor, but not in the front, only side or backyard, and there are size limitations. I wish they would allow exceptions, based on review of individual cases, but they don't appear to do that.
Old 08-29-2007, 08:41 PM
bamafan bamafan is offline
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Default Re: Deed Restricted Communities

LG My gosh I am appalled. Being from the South I was wanting to bring an old Southern tradition we have to TV. Perhaps you have heard of it: We take our old tires, paint them white and plant them in the ground along our walkways to welcome guests. I would consider this to be a form of guardrail not yard ornamentation. Would this bring out the yard cops? Actually they work well on those who mow their grass after dark too. Just don't paint them then they are obstacles.

Disclaimer: All references are merely for informational purposes only, and in no way infer that tires should be palnted in TV
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Old 08-29-2007, 09:06 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default Re: Deed Restricted Communities

Hey BamaFan -

HEH????????????? :dontknow:

With all these restrictions, I assume raising chickens in your back yard is out too! Darn, there go my spicy wings!!!!!!
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Old 08-30-2007, 10:10 AM
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Default Re: Deed Restricted Communities

We have an RV. The Villages has a storage area for them. It is very nice. Lots of boats there too.
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Old 09-03-2007, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: Deed Restricted Communities

Being from Canada, ;D we thought we'd bring down a tasteful statue of a grizzly bear for our front lawn, to remind us of home. I suppose we can't keep our birchbark canoe in our driveway either. Darn those Village lawn patrols, they spoil everyone's fun.
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Old 10-13-2007, 06:32 PM
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Default Re: Deed Restricted Communities

Avista - thanks for the info / link for the restrictions. Gives us a place to start looking.
Old 10-14-2007, 09:52 PM
Peggy D Peggy D is offline
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Default Re: Deed Restricted Communities

I'm all for deed restrictions. Bought our home in Newark, DE 28 yrs. ago. deed restrictions not heard of back then and when you think about it, disn't really need them. Watched an extremely nice neighborhood go down the tubes over the years due to lack of restrictions and the fact that the civic association couldn't (or wouldn't) do anything about those who lacked COMMON SENSE. I don't understand, this is YOUR home. Why do people want to trash it up?

Now live in a community that does have restrictions--strict ones. Most likely not much different that those in TV. The point is that some of what is discussed also happens in other communities--it's not exclusive to TV.

Thank Avista for the info.
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