Do you think you spend "more" or spend "less" on extracurricula activities in TV

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Old 01-08-2008, 10:40 PM
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Default Do you think you spend "more" or spend "less" on extracurricula activities in TV

Not counting the essentials, like the home, utilities, groceries, medical, and other necessities...

... do you think you spend more, less, or about the same for extra-curricular "fun stuff" in TV than in your Plan B retirement scenario?

Or is it that you would have simply been less active, lazier, in your Plan B location?
Brockton, MA 1946-49 * Fort Lauderdale 1950-66 * Northern Virginia (Army) 1967-69 * North Lauderdale 1970-72 * Coconut Creek 1973-87 * St. Louis 1988-89 # Northern Virginia (again) 1990-2000 * Destin, FL 2001-08 * The Villages - Amelia/Hadley
Old 01-08-2008, 11:11 PM
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Default Re: Do you think you spend "more" or spend "less" on extracurricula activities in TV

GF.... My experience is definitely spend less....

- fewer vacations (why travel when there's so much to do here and no cold weather to escape from)
- less auto expense (do everything by golf cart)
- Golf - executive style - 'virtually' free
- Used to belong to fitness club for indoor tennis and indoor pool; no need for that membership any longer
- Movie and 'show' tickets are very reasonably priced
- Never really had a plan B retirement location; Mostly comparing post retirement costs from 'back home' to now
- Probably spend a little more on eating out, but, we eat simply
Maryland (DC Suburbs) - first 51 years
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Old 01-09-2008, 12:40 AM
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Default Re: Do you think you spend "more" or spend "less" on extracurricula activities in TV

So far we spend less or not at all on the following
1) no need for health club memebership
2) less gas ,by using golf cart
3) no work clothing expense
4) car insurance about even
5) entertainmaent in general free or cheaper

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