Dog Walking

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Old 11-04-2007, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

Originally Posted by mzmom3
This is sounding very sad. We do not have a dog anymore but I would never treat an owner or their dog with such unkindness. Having said that, owners carry pooper bags and use them and please deposit them in your own trash when you get home. Not every dog can be so strictly trained to not defecate when out walking even if they did their business in their own backyard before the walk. This is making it feel as though THE VILLAGES isn't a very kind place to live underneath all that paradise talk or did someone already take a bite out of the apple?
Fortunately this ill will towards dogs who poo and pee on yards of neighbors and others has not resulted in cruelty towards these pets.

UPDATE November 6, 2007--I have heard rumors of dog poisoning though in some areas of the Villages about a year ago.

Old 11-04-2007, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

I can see that the blame is now shifting to the property owners upon whose lawns the dogs are allowed to defecate.
Old 11-04-2007, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

I don't think that anyone is "shifting blame". I really believe that most dog owners don't intentionally take their dogs out to defecate on neighbor's lawn. Really, that is absurd. I have always picked up after my dog. I let my dog out to defecate in my backyard, but occasionally when we got for our walk things happen and I take along a bag and clean it up. We have a fire hydrant on our front lawn that most dogs use when they walk by, I would be going out of my mind if I got angry whenever a dog urinated on the hydrant. Life is too short. Just my two cents. Not everyone agrees - I can understand wanting a nicer lawn but it is just a lawn. We have a beautiful house and gorgeous landscaping but the little bit of lawn around the hydrant isn't gorgeous.
Old 11-04-2007, 11:37 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

Well it never seems to fail. Every once in a while one of my dogs will escape making an unauthorized excursion through our neighborhood. Of course included in that excursion is the obligatory pee and/or poo on practically every lawn. And oh yes the person who hates or fears dogs the most is always just coming out of their front door which means the dog has to bark at them like a man eating maniac further exacerbating the situation. In the process of coralling the offending beast I've got to look for, retrieve and properly dispose of any solid deposits. Unless flagged by the lawn owner liquid deposits are next to impossible to detect but I always offer to hose the area with water if the spot can be located.

No matter how hard I try to be a good neighbor and a responsible pet owner :edit: happens.
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Old 11-05-2007, 11:45 AM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

Originally Posted by Avista
I am a dog lover and have had dogs my entire life. I always pick up their poop. However, I have never had a dog I could depend on to pee or poop in once special spot. Sure we can try to get them to go before we leave our homes, but gee whiz they are dogs after all. As long as we are careful to pick up after them, can't our neighbors be a little understanding. That being said, we have NEVER EVER had a problem with neighbors. It's only in reading these posts, I am reading posts from people who don't seem to be too understanding toward pet owners. I would never ever live here if my dogs were not welcome.
Good post Avista. I believe that the majority of dog owners are good, responsible people who try to make sure their pets do their bathroom duties at home before their walk, and pick up after their pets. I love to see the doggies riding around in golf carts looking so happy!

I hope people don't get turned off TV by the few negative posts they read. Yes, I'm sure there are a few inconsiderate dog owners, and a few bad drivers, and a few people who rant and complain about everything, and a few people who hate children, etc. But overall I've found everyone in TV to be friendly, happy, positive and enthusiastic. :bigthumbsup:
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Old 11-05-2007, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

Originally Posted by barefoot at last
Good post Avista. I believe that the majority of dog owners are good, responsible people who try to make sure their pets do their bathroom duties at home before their walk, and pick up after their pets. I love to see the doggies riding around in golf carts looking so happy!

I hope people don't get turned off TV by the few negative posts they read. Yes, I'm sure there are a few inconsiderate dog owners, and a few bad drivers, and a few people who rant and complain about everything, and a few people who hate children, etc. But overall I've found everyone in TV to be friendly, happy, positive and enthusiastic. :bigthumbsup:
Agree with you Barefoot at last.

When we lived in Palm Harbor we had a neighboring house which a criminal defense lawyer owned and rented out. We had a string of very strange neighbors including a man upset with his wife who also happened to fly a helicopter for the Coast Guard. He would buzz the house every once in a while especially when he was checking if any strange cars (cheaters with his wife?) were in his driveway. Then, a couple whose dog kept getting loose in the neighborhood and various neighbors would pitch in to catch. And, a moronic man who dragged some pitbulls from his car window trying to teach them to run faster. Needless to say, the authorities, thankfully, took those dogs away. There were death threats though against this next door neighbor as of course this dragging incident made every Tampa Bay area news station's broadcast.

Most of our Palm Harbor neighbors were good ones, but you do have to look out for houses rented out by criminal defense lawyers. A few of those renters were also OK neighbors. There were a lot of different people in that house the nine years we were there.

You will find bad neighbors too in TV but think that it could be a lot worse like if you moved into a house next door to a criminal defense lawyer landlord who seemed to be renting to his potential or actual clients.

Old 11-05-2007, 07:18 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

Originally Posted by Zman
I agree there are inconsiderate people who walk their dogs and don't clean up behind them or allow them to do their business on lawns. This problem is not restricted the TV and can be found in all areas. It is cause for concern but what concerns me most is the vitriol that is permeating in this discussion and other forum discussion subjects. I was led to believe TV is Florida's friendliest home town. I am beginning to have second thoughts about my retirement destination.
Old 11-06-2007, 01:11 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

The convenents should be changed to allow home owners to construct approved fences in there back yards, without forcing dog owners to buy a courtyard villa. Friendly ?
Old 11-06-2007, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

My dogs have been trained to go on command ie. "spend your pennies". They know what that means and spend their pennies at home before leaving the house. Therefore, not soiling anyone elses yard.
Old 11-06-2007, 07:58 PM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

Originally Posted by mmclover
My dogs have been trained to go on command ie. "spend your pennies". They know what that means and spend their pennies at home before leaving the house. Therefore, not soiling anyone elses yard.
Inquiring minds would like to know? How did you get your dogs to "spend their pennies"? How did you train them to poo on command? Did someone else do this?

I heard of training dogs not to eat dog poo, but these sounds like really disciplined dogs to do this on command.
Old 11-07-2007, 05:13 AM
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Default Re: Dog Walking

Thats wonderful MMCLOVER !!!!
NOW ,if you can just teach about 47 million other dog owners how to do this we'll ALL be happy.........
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be, Also
my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
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