"Drinking the Kool Aid"

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Old 08-11-2010, 09:49 AM
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Default Drank the Geritol and Dipped the Toe in the Fountain

I didn't want to get off topic again on the thread in the new members forum, but I gotta speak my piece.

I do flinch when I see that phrase. I lost two friends and their families, including a precious 5 YO that I babysat and a 17 YO that I taught to drive, at Jonestown. It was pretty near impossible to not know someone who died there if you lived in San Francisco during that time. So, yes, saying you drank the Kool Aid (or however you want to spell it) is painful.

One writer, whom I personally know and respect, stated it was okay because it brought back memories of his childhood when drinking the stuff was a treat. I can remember a candy that had a cream filling and chocolate cover that I was told was an "N-word" toe. I have no idea what the real name is but I can guarantee you that if I saw that candy today there is no way on God's green earth I would call it by the name I learned. Times do make things of the past unacceptable today. I don't think this phrase is quite in that category, but some sensitivity would be nice.

As to the other poster who felt he had to make a point by capitalizing and repeating the phrase, not sure what to say. You had a point and I guess you made it -- other people's feelings be damned, you were going to say what you wanted.

When I meet someone in person and they use that phrase, I ask them as nicely as possible to not use that phrase because it does bring back some very painful memories. Not because the phrase is wrong, it is just a personal pain to me. I really don't consider the F word all that objectionable and do use it. However, if someone says they find it objectionable, I do my best to respect their wishes and try not use it around them.

So, use the phrase if you wish, but do understand that it is a painful reminder for some of us. The connotation to an innocent childhood were lost when it became a means for mass suicide and murder.
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Last edited by redwitch; 08-12-2010 at 11:26 PM.
Old 08-11-2010, 09:59 AM
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Default This is another view on that.

Redwitch. I am sorry you associate the phrase "drinking the Koolaid" with Guyana and the friends that you lost in that awful situation.

I really do not think most people associate it in quite the same way. I know people who use it and they are sensitive, intelligent and kind.

I saw another posting a few days ago by a new person here who said much the same thing as you did about associating it with a personal loss.

Sometimes we just need to ignore things that bring a personal ouch. I have a few myself. We all do. I won't name them. No use ouching on purpose.

I have found that most people mean well and do not mean to cause harm or even associate it with that event at all.
Old 08-11-2010, 10:31 AM
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Well said Gracie.

Times do change and I try to go with the flow but sometimes I get a little annoyed at the "food police" "word police" "thought police", "sensitivity police" etc. etc. I can get confusing at times.
Old 08-11-2010, 10:36 AM
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Gracie, I wouldn't have said a word but for the replies made by others. It's a bunch of words and I can live with hearing them. I don't like it, but, then, I don't like when a bicyclist doesn't stop at a stop sign. That doesn't mean either is okay. However, some sensitivity to other peoples' feelings would be appreciated.

One poster did a gentle reminder that a term is objectionable to others. One replied that it was a positive phrase in his mind because of childhood memories. The other reply was just downright obnoxious IMO. That's why I did this post. It isn't about the phrase so much as an apparent disrespect of others' feelings by deliberately using a phrase (repeatedly and in capital letters) that someone has pointed out is painful and objectionable to others.
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Old 08-11-2010, 11:02 AM
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Default Don't drink the Kool Aid

In reference to the Jonestown mass suicide the phrase "Don't drink the Kool Aid" is the appropriate term. Here is a link that pretty much covers the meanings: http://www.urbandictionary.com/defin...k+the+kool-aid
Old 08-11-2010, 12:20 PM
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Instead of "I drank the Kool-Aid" people could just say "I drank the K-word."
It could join the F-word, the N-word, and the C-word. The R-word hasn't quite caught on yet.

There... glad to help.
Old 08-11-2010, 12:34 PM
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Alright, someone has to swallow the bait. What is the "R" word? (ridiculous?)
Old 08-11-2010, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Redwitch. I am sorry you associate the phrase "drinking the Koolaid" with Guyana and the friends that you lost in that awful situation.

Sometimes we just need to ignore things that bring a personal ouch. I have a few myself. We all do. I won't name them. No use ouching on purpose.

I have found that most people mean well and do not mean to cause harm or even associate it with that event at all.
Couldn't agree more with gracie...otherwise we'd all be carrying lists around with us for each person we know, so as not to say those "certain" words that might offend them...if a "friend" has the insensitivity to repeatedly blurt something into your face that they know is hurtful or offensive to you...well that's not really a friend at all...is it. Events or words are bound to come up in the course of our lives that stir painful/unpleasant memories; unless one chooses to live in a bubble...that's life.

Sorry about your connection to the Jonestown tragedy...good luck in finding ways to deal with this ongoing personal sensitivity.
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Old 08-11-2010, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Pats2010 View Post
Alright, someone has to swallow the bait. What is the "R" word? (ridiculous?)
Think Special Olympics, and the cruel name for people with special needs.

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Old 08-11-2010, 02:51 PM
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i agree with gg, ignore the posts you don't like and move on, posting additional comments only perpetuates it...gn
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Old 08-11-2010, 03:48 PM
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Thumbs down redwitch ~~

I really agree with you and don't understand how that phrase came to be connected with falling in love with TV. Those who drank the KA in Jonestown died ! It was mass murder and nothing else.
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Old 08-11-2010, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by grayesun View Post
Couldn't agree more with gracie...otherwise we'd all be carrying lists around with us for each person we know, so as not to say those "certain" words that might offend them...if a "friend" has the insensitivity to repeatedly blurt something into your face that they know is hurtful or offensive to you...well that's not really a friend at all...is it. Events or words are bound to come up in the course of our lives that stir painful/unpleasant memories; unless one chooses to live in a bubble...that's life.

Sorry about your connection to the Jonestown tragedy...good luck in finding ways to deal with this ongoing personal sensitivity.
Old 08-12-2010, 12:23 PM
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I too agree w/Gracie. When people are speaking, you need to realize their . INTENT. Their intention was NOT to hurt your personally, nor offend anyone.

I too am sorry for your loss, but must we all be so politically correct one hundred percent of the time? If so, I am afraid I will fail miserably.
Old 08-12-2010, 01:17 PM
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Did you know that experts believe that the innocent little nursery rhyme Ring Around the Rosie is about the The Black Death or bubonic plague outbreak that killed more people than any other single pandemic in human history. Some 75–200 million people died as a result of this rosy rash and the bodies were usually burnt to ashes...ashes, we all fall down.

Did you know the term, which I really don't like btw, poor white trash was something started by slaves? In Harriet Beecher Stowe's book A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, there is a chapter called "Poor White Trash." At the time, the phrase was a political statement about the plantation system and how it caused poverty to both blacks and whites who worked the fields.

I think it is all excellent examples of how our language evolves and adapts. Just an observation.
Old 08-12-2010, 01:25 PM
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CIB, one thing I'm sure of is the phrase drinking the Kool Aid did not come to be connected with falling in love with TV because of Jonestown...gn
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