Emergency boil order - Mallory-Amelia-Hemingway-Largo-Hadley-Poinciana-Duval-Bonita

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Old 03-08-2010, 11:14 PM
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Default It was on the eleven o:clock news.

The boil water advisory was on Wesh 2 news at eleven.

I don't think we have made Orlando's news since that woman shot her husband in the bath a few months ago.

We just boiled the kitties water supply.
Old 03-08-2010, 11:27 PM
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Called up the Water Dept. and got message to call Community Watch after hours. I was told by Community Watch that the "boil water" directive is real. I was told water was to be brought to a rolling boil for 1 minute before use. She told me that the area was too big to be notified house by house; and that it was being reported on The Villages TV on channel 2 and to watch for a story in Tuesday's Daily Sun. It's lucky I got an email from my village of Bonita Social Club director or I wouldn't have known about it and been at risk. There should be a way for resident's to be notified of an emergency like this. In my New Jersey town of Elmwood Park a town vehicle would have slowly drove through town broadcasting on a speaker of the danger to the community. How hard is that for The Villages Community Watch to do. If they don't have such a vehicle, they should.
Old 03-08-2010, 11:49 PM
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
Called up the Water Dept. and got message to call Community Watch after hours. I was told by Community Watch that the "boil water" directive is real. I was told water was to be brought to a rolling boil for 1 minute before use. She told me that the area was too big to be notified house by house; and that it was being reported on The Villages TV on channel 2 and to watch for a story in Tuesday's Daily Sun. It's lucky I got an email from my village of Bonita Social Club director or I wouldn't have known about it and been at risk. There should be a way for resident's to be notified of an emergency like this. In my New Jersey town of Elmwood Park a town vehicle would have slowly drove through town broadcasting on a speaker of the danger to the community. How hard is that for The Villages Community Watch to do. If they don't have such a vehicle, they should.
Thumbs down to TV's handeling of this situation.
What good is reading about it in tomorrow's Sun goint to do for us today?
As some one mentioned in another thread why didn't they use the reverse 911 program that works quite well for storm warnings.
Not everyone is watching the TV Loop or listening to oldies on the radio.

Just brushed my teeth with bottled water thanks to TOTV and not TV.

Brooklyn, The Poconos, Garden City South, The Village of Hemingway
Old 03-09-2010, 05:02 AM
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Default I'm lost??

I worked all day yesterday...came home, made dinner...drank at least 3 glasses of tapwater with ice...drank coffee...I'm now drinking my morning coffee that was set up last night...and now I find out on TOTV that I was supposed to boil all that water?

What happened and what's going on?

Should I plan on calling out sick today?
Buffalo...Staten Island...New Jersey...The Village of Amelia!
Old 03-09-2010, 05:28 AM
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Are they saying how long the boil order is in effect? We have DISH Network so we don't get The Villages TV station. Thanks!
Old 03-09-2010, 05:36 AM
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Default Water Situation today's Villages Daily Sun

I just received the Sun

I was expecting front page. I am wondering about the residents and guest who do not receive the paper or watch Channel 2.
There is a small article in Briefs on Page A-3 saying due to a temporary disruption in service from a water treatment plant, low water system resulted.
The notice will remain in effect until further notice and use:
Boiling water for use in drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, cooking and washing dishes. For all other uses, the tap water is acceptable.
Guidelines online at www.districtgov.org or calling Utility Customer Service at 750-0000.

Those affected: Amelia, Hadley, Hemingway, Largo, Bonita, Mallory Square, Poinciana and Duval.
Richmond,VA - Martinsville, VA - Hilton Head Island, SC - Mallory Square

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Old 03-09-2010, 06:33 AM
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Default Poor notification of this water boil alert.

I also was looking for that headline.

I don't see anything on the district website, of course that could also be a small article buried somewhere.

I think this is an extremely poor way of communicating a potential health issue.

I would venture a guess that the majority of residents in the mentioned villages know nothing of this boil water alert and had their evening cocktails over ice, washed dishes, brushed their teeth, etc. without giving it a thought as they had no knowledge of this alert.

We rarely watch channel 2. Where else would a resident get this info? A reverse 911 call would certainly be in order. Someone mentioned they called the water department and were told they never heard of reverse 911. How about if there were a major water issue, like someone poisoned it? Maybe every community watch employee should be called into work and go door to door.

Thanks to TOTV for getting the word out.
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
I tried to find more. Hope it helps with questions.

Thanks for the link, when I originally looked on the district gov website I didn't see it, then I saw your link. (Still don't know exactly where it is buried, just that your link takes me there!)

I don't know if this is a permanent posting on the website, no specific details pertaining to this alert (like villages under the alert).

I like the last sentence, "You will be contacted likewise when the boil water notice has been lifted". I guess that means you will not be notified.
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Last edited by BogeyBoy; 03-09-2010 at 08:04 AM. Reason: Clarify
Old 03-09-2010, 07:21 AM
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Default fyi

Sorry that my original post on this thread caused confusion golfnut. I wrongly started a new thread without referencing a previous discussion outlining the areas that the boil water notice affected. I was hurriedly trying to gather helpful info while at the same time attempting to get off the computer to play Wii Yahtzee and Battleship with Mr. C. Again, sorry.

Old 03-09-2010, 07:22 AM
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I "ditto" all the above comments. Had it we not happen to be listening to the radio last night on our lanai, we would NOT have known about the boil water order. Now they are saying we will be notified when the boil water is lifted. HOW???? The same way they notified all of us of the order in the first place? We happen to have Directv, thus we do not get the local tv station. This may be a good example to mention on the current "survey"..We need better : communication here in TV..Thank God for TOTV...Thank you TOTV
Old 03-09-2010, 07:43 AM
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We have three of my wife's sisters here and a 3 year old for a visit. We just happened to find out because we bumped into a neighbor coming home.

The three people are from 3 different states in the US. All were shocked that we did not get a call or knock on the door.

Water Dept says "Too many people to notify?". Are you kidding me? What if 10% of those people get sick or worse, then was the effort too great?

Old 03-09-2010, 07:59 AM
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Old 03-09-2010, 08:42 AM
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Default sigh...The Daily Sun let us down.

I just called The Daily Sun and spoke to a (very authoritive sounding) person in the front page area. I asked for the editor .

I don't do confrontations well and I couched my "OUCH" between compliments and she said something like...I don't know what else we could do, we had it on the radio and on our TV station and there was a continuous crawl about it. She sounded annoyed.

I said..we have DIRECT TV, I don't think it carries the local Villages station..anyway...we didn't see it on TV except for WESH 2.

I then said, this is a HEALTH issue. THERE are BUGS in that water. WE are SENIORS and we need to know about it.

She thanked me for calling in an annoyed sort of way.

Here is the number I used. Maybe a few calls from us will get the point across.
Old 03-09-2010, 09:13 AM
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The Boil Order includes washing dishes. Does anybody know for sure if it’s safe to use a dishwasher or are they only referring to hand washing.

Most (all ?) dishwashers today have a heater element built in that can be used to raise the temperature to some level, but I have no idea if it would be sufficient for use during this boil order period.

Anyone know?
Old 03-09-2010, 09:14 AM
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Default Contaminated water supply

Many of us are too busy to watch tv channel 2, as in my case. I never saw the warning until the 11pm news so I have been drinking and using water in food all day. Went to the colony pool...no notice or discussion about this from anyone and went to the rec center...no notice or warning.
The best is that there is not a single word about this in the newspaper!
Someone will get sick and the villages is not caring about the residents who may be impacted by the contaminated water. Not a great nor comforting feeling about how the villages consider us and our health.
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