Gas or Electric Carts

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Old 09-24-2007, 09:44 PM
Happy Villager Happy Villager is offline
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Default Re: Gas or Electric Carts

Originally Posted by zcaveman
I have unplugged my 2002 Club Cart before the full charge and the yellow light comes on and then goes out. I have never had a problem with not getting where I wanted to. I just looked at the Owner's manual and there is no caution as to not pulling the charger plug out while it is charging.
We have a 2004 Club Car and to tell you the truth we know nothing about them except for what the service tech tells us. Do you know if the 2002 has an onboard computer or do all golf carts have them? All our manual states is "We highly recommend charging your golf cart after EVERY use! This will help to maintain your batteries and will not hurt your cart because the charger shuts off automatically". Also there is a footnote on our paperwork stating: *Proper cart maintenance is the responsibility of the cart owner. Customers who request service calls under a warranty issue that are a result of improper maintenance (dry battery cells, overfilled battery cells, carts that have not been allowed to fully charge, etc.) will be charged a $45.00 fee. I hope Bama can get some answers for us.
Old 09-24-2007, 09:56 PM
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Default Re: Gas or Electric Carts

My 2002 has an on-board computer. It has the IC circuitry which was new in 2002. They plug into the computer to check it out and get readings and they can tell me approximately how far I have gone (in revolutions or something).

Like I said earlier, I plug it in when I come home and leave it plugged in until I use it the next time. Could be tomorrow or the next day if I don't go golfing or to the store. With new batteries it charges fast. I check the water levels in the batteries weekly and tighten the cables every other week. Never had a problem.

I let Club Cart service it every six months. I have had the brakes replaced after 4 years and new batterries from Spano about the same time. Get new cables when you replace the batteries.
Jacksonville, Florida
Andover, New Jersey
The Villages

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