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Old 10-21-2007, 03:41 PM
barbjim barbjim is offline
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Default Golf

I have recently reviewed the golf point system for tee times. Since I'm not completly clear on the results of it's use my question is.. Is it difficult to play 3-4 times a week year around ?
Old 10-21-2007, 04:10 PM
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Default Re: Golf

If you have a wide enough window when you set up a request, you should be able to play 3-4 times a week on the executive courses. I have problems sometimes but generally I play 5 times a week year round. Rain gets me more than no tee time.
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Old 10-21-2007, 04:20 PM
coach coach is offline
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Default Re: Golf

The secret is just what zcaveman said. "Give yourself a wide window of time and pick at least four courses to play and you will have no problem. I am continually surprised when I hear comments about not being able to play. It's just not so. Only people that have problems are ones that have a narrow time window and only will accept one or two courses.
North Carolina, TV
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