Golf Cart Rentals/Shuttle to Airport?

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Old 10-22-2007, 08:36 AM
octcr octcr is offline
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Default Golf Cart Rentals/Shuttle to Airport?

I bought a home a couple of months ago...I will be down after Thanksgiving. I remember when I was downtown Lake Sumter there was a parking lot of golf carts. They said none will be there when the snowbirds come down. I want to rent a golf cart when I am down there. Who do I contact to do that? Hope I am not to late. I would need one for 4 people. Also...I will be driving down but will fly back for Christmas...I have a little Yorkie that I can put in a carrying case. Does TV shuttle allow pet's if they are contained in a carrying case to ride on the shuttle to and from the airport? I need to make my reservations and am hoping I can use the shuttle. Do you need to make reservation for the shuttle ahead of time? If I cannot use the shuttle what would a taxi cost to take me to the airport? All new to me and once I get down there I will get the feel of everything. I really like this site. Have learned so much. Great group of People!
Old 10-22-2007, 09:06 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Rentals/Shuttle to Airport?

Here is the link for the shuttle from The Villages site:
I t should give you the info you were asking about for the shuttle, including pets and reservations.
Harrisburg, Pa ----------> Village of Duval
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