Golf-cart safety clinic

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Old 03-14-2008, 08:35 PM
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Default Golf-cart safety clinic

This was in todays (3-14-08) Daily Sun on line edition.....


THE VILLAGES — The Villages Homeowners Association wants to improve golf cart safety in The Villages.

A VHA golf-cart safety clinic will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Savannah


“The state of Florida has given us the privilege to drive the golf carts in our community, along with other vehicles,” said Joy Tolan, VHA Safety Clinic chairman and Village of De La Vista North resident. “But some drivers are really taking advantage and making it bad for other people. The more visibility and education we can get to the drivers, the better we are.”

The clinics are held the third Wednesday of every month with the exception of December, and are conducted with the help of tri-county area law enforcement officials.

Each class begins with a 20-minute video on the rules and responsibilities of golf-cart operation, followed by a question-and-answer session.

“We’ve been doing this for eight years now, and our classes have really picked up,” Tolan said, “but we would like more people to attend the clinics.”

Representatives from a local insurance company will be present, along with a golf-cart retailer who will discuss golf-cart maintenance.

Bob and Faye Fountain, of the Village of Rio Grande, are members of the VHA Safety Committee and help out with the clinics.

Although they have lived in The Villages for 15 years, they still make sure they follow the proper safety precautions when driving a golf cart.

“We hear new things all the time,” Faye Fountain said. “The audience members ask all kinds of questions. It’s amazing. We learn from them.”

She said even residents who already have attended one clinic should think about coming again.

“I would encourage anyone, long-term or short-term residents, to come and get a refresher course,” she said. “They give a lot of good information.”

There is no admission fee for the clinic and walk-ins are welcome.

However, Tolan said signing up in advance helps with planning for refreshments and seating.

To sign up, call Tolan at 750-5368.
Harrisburg, Pa ----------> Village of Duval
Old 03-15-2008, 04:32 AM
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Default Re: Golf-cart safety clinic

I guess I know where I'm going at 10 am next Wednesday. ;D Thanks DickY.
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