Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
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What we will see with this Healthcare Bill with be a riviting case of the Laws of Unintended Consequences. But the taxes kick in first, and the hardest hit will be the middle class. If not right up front, then in the back door to hide it. But no offense to anybody. Everybody is free to feel any particular way. |
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OK, I am one of those uninsured. Not because I want to be but because I have a pre-existing condition (stage 2/3 melanoma 17 years ago). The only insurance I could find after that was neither workable nor affordable. I'm too young to qualify for Medicare.
Those who know me know I'm not lazy and I'm certainly willing to work. Quite honestly, even if I didn't have a pre-existing condition, I'm not convinced I can afford medical insurance today. I had major surgery shortly after I moved to TV. I ended up paying for it with the last of my savings. I was lucky that at least I had the savings to pay for it. And I'm young enough and strong to at least have a chance of getting some of that money back before I'm too old to work. I might qualify for Medicaid. I don't know, I've never tried. Heck, I felt guilty applying for unemployment insurance when I knew it was my money. If this plan will get me affordable medical insurance, I'd be thrilled. My issue is having to waiting four years. That just might be too late. I need some medical care now. There are many in my boat. While I do believe this is a good start, it may not be enough for many of us. I agree that children need coverage now, but so do the "tweeners." It will still be four long years before we're really part of the plan. That's a long time to wait when your cancer risks have gone up, when all of your youthful bad habits come back to bite you in the rear, when your body has started the aging process and your bones are more brittle. When I hear people who are receiving Social Security and Medicare complain that this plan is socialism, I have to swallow hard. So. are. their. plans (said through clenched teeth). Lou, I love your attitude and I thank you for kindness and generosity. This plan is a start. It is not necessarily the best solution, but it certainly is a lot better than what we've had to date. So, I'm thankful we might have something.
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention Moved here from SF Bay Area (East Bay) "There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein |
![]() ![]() I think of my neighbors, who bought a lot on the recreational lake where I live five years ago, planning to build their retirement home. That plan was to have culminated in a home three years ago. They have yet to build that home - why? Because the wife got cancer, fought it to remission, but had to delay her plans to retire because she had to keep her job for the health insurance (she was 59 at the time). Now, hopefully, they will be able to get individual insurance and realize their dream of living in what they see as their retirement utopia - just as many of you have realized your dreams living in the Villages.
Oldcoach Ed "You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails" "Be yourself - everyone else is taken" |
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God bless our once great nation. |
The CBO estimate did not include the $200 billion doctor medicare fix because the supporters wanted to not count that, it includes 10 years of revenue but only 6 years of benefits, and it assumes $500 billion dollars in savings from fraud and abuse which never has been saved and never will. You are really thrilled about that?? CBO calculates what ever garbage you give it. This is phony accounting, pure and simple.
It's about time. After years of a constipated congress we finally have a health care bill start.
Having minimal pre-existing conditions has kept us from permanently moving to Florida. We are under 65 and have to buy our own health insurance. Since Florida laws do not force the insurance companies to write coverage we have to maintain our original home back north were we already have and have been buying health care insurance for 15 years. Up untill then we had employer group policies. If nothing else the bill will force insurance companies to write coverage and they will not be able to cherry pick customers. In our home state they had a pool for high risk customers. All the insurance companies were forced to take their percentage of high risk customers. It is not a free ride those policies are very expensive but at least they are available. By the way at our age (over 60 but under 65) who doesn't have pre-existing conditions. Mine was 10 pounds overweight and I take a high blood pressure medication. I have taken that medication for 15 years and it has maintained my pressure. Two small conditions caused my rejection. The weight is off now I am 30 pounds under but it will take a year for BC/BS to accep it as changed. |
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My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am. ![]() |
I see.. you think people like me who pay taxes should cover her bills so she can use her money to buy a home I cannot afford. That is so wrong.
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Interesting read: |
If you had insurance when you diagnosed with your melanoma, you should be able to continue and transfer your insurance where ever you live or work. That would get near unanimous approval by both parties.
Why didn't you buy insurance with a waiver of your preexisting condition so that you would at least have coverage for all other conditions including the medical care you need now? Quote:
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Donna2: Very good article , Thanks
Poland - Germany - Ontario Canada, Valpo Ind, Ashland TV |
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Lou Card: I love my neighbors, every one of them, but I'm sure we could find a spot for you in our neighborhood! What a fantastic addition to The Villages you'll make. Xavier |
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Oldcoach Ed "You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails" "Be yourself - everyone else is taken" |
Closed Thread |