Health nut

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Old 08-06-2008, 08:10 PM
rshoffer rshoffer is offline
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Default Health nut

Hi all. We're newbies. Been here 2 months and pinch ourselves daily wondering how we ended up in paradise. Here's a question: I'm 58 and my wife is 54. I'm a "health nut"... jogging, bodybuilding, biking, nutrition etc... and am looking for a club or clubs for people with my interests.
Old 08-06-2008, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: Health nut

Here is a link to a list of all the clubs in TV.

You can also check the Recreation News for information and meeting times of different clubs.

Page down at this website and click on the recreation news and it will bring this week's issue up in pdf form.

Have fun finding just the right groups for you!
Traverse City, MI
Plymouth, MI
Village of Hemingway
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