Here's a deal you can't pass up. If you are a golf instructor, that is.

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Old 07-27-2007, 06:48 AM
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Default Here's a deal you can't pass up. If you are a golf instructor, that is.

Two years ago, I went to a one week golf class in Phoenix, one on one with an instructor for 5 days 8 hours a day. When I came back, by handicap dropped 7 points. Now, I need a tune up, because my game, currently, As administrator of this board, which has nearly 200,000 page views this month, I am prepared to offer an "big time" advertising trade to a golf instructor. Talk of the Villages will give you a Jumbo Button ad for one full month, in return for 4 one hour lessons. That's 744 hours of advertising to thousands of Villages residents for four one hour sessions. :bigthumbsup: A great deal in anybody's book. I'll even take some pictures of the sessions and post them here and tell everybody how great you are and how bad I was until I took lessons from you. Seriously Please contact me at

About a month ago, a lady posted a message here that she and her husband had just moved to the Villages and that he was a golf instructor. Is she still around the board?
Old 07-27-2007, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: Here's a deal you can't pass up. If you are a golf instructor, that is.

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