Horse Park

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Old 05-28-2008, 11:36 PM
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Default Horse Park

Thought this would be interesting for those of you who live in Sumter County

__________________________________________________ _________________________

The advertised "Horse Park" is a bad deal for the citizens of Sumter County! Now that I have stated that point I want to review and discuss a few points for you to remember as you go to the polls on June 17 to decide its future. I have grown up in the Leesburg / Wildwood area. I am a graduate of Leesburg High School and have chosen to raise my family here. It’s a great place to live and grow up. I have served this community as a firefighter for 23 years starting with the Leesburg Fire Department and my career has culminated in my current position as Fire Chief of The Villages. As a "native" I have witnessed a significant change in the community, and most of it has been for the best. I have a fantastic job protecting a fantastic community. My children attend a spectacular school, and because of this have a tremendous leg up as they progress into society and hopefully become contributing citizens. However, that is now threatened by the presence of a betting facility in my community (only 1,000 feet from my home).

The recent advertisement in the papers is trying to portray this betting establishment as a horse park where people can learn about horsemanship and enjoy their horses. They intimate barrel racing, equestrian, and roping will be the over-riding activities. However, the reality is that the place will be a CARD ROOM where betting and wagering will occur. The further reality is that these types of facilities will bring plenty of criminal activity and trash to the community. There WILL be an impact of the services of the law enforcement agencies in the area. This criminal activity is bound to spill into the adjacent communities. Look at other communities with operating betting facilities like Yonkers, NY.

Stories in the paper claim a potential tax revenue windfall to Sumter County of $400,000 and the creation of almost 100 jobs. The reality is that these types of facilities never delivered the "promised" tax revenues and they have always brought crime and trouble to the community. As far as the quality of the jobs its questionable at best. The project starts with a lie by portraying itself as a "horse park" and will end with trouble for ALL of Sumter County. The project is a threat to me, my children, and our way of life. I don’t mind change, but the change must be positive. I have spent my entire adult life protecting the community I live in. I ask that you help me continue to protect it now.

Michael S. Tucker
Old 05-29-2008, 12:13 AM
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Default Re: Horse Park

You're kidding, aren't you? A threat to your way of life? Wow, that's heavy.
Laughter and Light, Chelsea
Old 05-29-2008, 03:18 AM
Hancle704 Hancle704 is offline
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Default Re: Horse Park

If you are in favor of this "Horse ParK" ask yourself, when have you ever gone to a real Race track that had card rooms? I recall hearing mention of slot machines in the initial "telephone survey" I received at my home when this horse park started being mentioned.

What is the real motive for timing the vote so it couldn't be done on Primary Voting Day or, scheduling it on General Election Day? I suspect that it was done because a low turnout is expected and those who will vote will be mainly retirees looking for another fun thing to do. Who else has the time or interest to show up at the polls on a day in June to vote on a single question?

If you want a really fun day watching horse racing, take one the frequent day trip to Tampa Bay Downs. Stop by AAA Travel Center for schedules and prices.

If this gets approved and you find yourself stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on Rte 301, CR466, 466A or 42 every day of the racing season after the last race is over, try to remember what you voted for.

And FYI Chelsea, if Mike Tucker feels it is a threat you might want to consider who he is and what he stands for. He is a family man with young children and every working day, he is out there watching out for all of us. He even watches out for the idiots who think Buffalo's are in TV Petting Zoo.
Old 05-29-2008, 04:32 AM
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Default Re: Horse Park

I'm sorry Hancle, but I still disagree with this view. I have a right to my opinion too and I hardly think a racetrack or card room is the 7th circle of Hell. No disrespect intended personally to Mr. Tucker.
Laughter and Light, Chelsea
Old 05-29-2008, 04:41 AM
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Default Re: Horse Park

I've got a lot of respect for Mike Tucker. He's done a good job as Fire Chief and it seems he's helped establish a fine department. If I wanted to know about smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, or even surge suppressors, I'd value his views. However his opinion on the proposed horse park carries no more weight than anyone else. I can understand his concern considering the apparent closeness of the facility to his home --- within 1000 feet. NIMBY. Not in my backyard. Nobody wants any large business next door. And I really cannot see that the "facilities will bring plenty of criminal activity and trash to the community" whether the trash is the human or recyclable variety.

I do have some questions that I'd like to investigate further, specifically about satellite simulcast races and betting. There seem to be a lot of positives and a lot of negatives and a lot of unknowns. Someone here suggested a couple days ago that we visit the office in LSL for more info. Sounds like a good idea.

FYI -- you can pick up absentee ballots at the County Annex now and early voting will be available a week before election day, again I believe, at the Annex.
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Old 05-29-2008, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: Horse Park

Originally Posted by Muncle
I can understand his concern considering the apparent closeness of the facility to his home --- within 1000 feet. NIMBY.
Thanks Muncle - There is almost ALWAYS a story behind any harsh criticism of new developments. Two overriding themes usually, either MONEY or NIBY!
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