How do you obtain key for your post office box as a newbie?

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Old 06-18-2008, 05:01 AM
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Default Re: How do you obtain key for your post office box as a newbie?

We bought in April and are coming down next week for our walkthrough and the delivery of some furniture. We are really excited about our future life in TV, but this one really came as a shock. I have never heard of anywhere in the country where you have to pay to have your mail delivered. The post office has an easier job because there are no mailboxes in front of the houses, and then we have to pay $190 for the privilege of having to travel to the postal facility? The cost of these facilities should be taken care of with our bond payments. I consider this a major ripoff and I can't believe people haven't had major complaints about it. This was never brought up in our closing. What does Jane's Outpost have to do with the the mail anyway. Any payment should be handled through the US Postal Service, not some private company. BUT THERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY PAYMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Glendale Heights, IL, Village of Hadley, The Villages, FL
Old 06-19-2008, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: How do you obtain key for your post office box as a newbie?

macgolfnut - Welcome to The Villages where nothing is free. Wait until you have to pay for your golf as well. We have found that you are nickled and dimed for everything in Florida. The best charge I like is having to pay extra on my Insurance because other people don't have insurance. Make sure you bring your five gallon water jug full of coins to pay the most ridiculous fees.
Lexington, Ky Charleston, SC Indianapolis, IN Naples, FL The Villages
Old 06-19-2008, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: How do you obtain key for your post office box as a newbie?

I checked and back in 2001, they hit me up for $100 for Mailbox Fee (one time charge). I never thought to ask what it was for. I guess it was to offset the cost of building the mail stop.
Jacksonville, Florida
Andover, New Jersey
The Villages

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Old 06-19-2008, 10:03 AM
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Default Re: How do you obtain key for your post office box as a newbie?

I just remembered something that might take the "sting" out of this. If you get a package, such as prescription drugs, the package is kept in a separate air conditioned area at the post office pick up.

Didn't I hear this, read this?
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