Hurricane Question? ?

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Old 08-18-2008, 03:15 PM
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Default Hurricane Question? ?

I have never experienced a hurricane and was wondering if lightning and thunder are part of a hurricane's fury. Of course, I know that heavy, heavy rain and wind are associated with it but have no clue if lightning and thunder are, too.

How do the household pets react to hurricanes? thanks ???
Old 08-18-2008, 03:32 PM
SUNreporter SUNreporter is offline
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Default Re: Hurricane Question? ?

No, lightning and thunder aren't usually a big part of a hurricane. At least, not as much as driving rain and high, gusting winds. There will likely be some of both though, however. Our household pets get jittery when hurricanes draw close. They seem to be sensitive to the change in barometric pressure. You can expect a dog to get ansy and maybe even whimper. Cats will probably stay close. At least that's my experience.
Old 08-18-2008, 03:41 PM
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Default Re: Hurricane Question? ?

Well, that's what I was looking for. Thanks SUNreporter...your reply is very much appreciated.
Old 08-18-2008, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: Hurricane Question? ?

I was living in s/Florida when Hurricane Andrew blew through in Aug/92. It wasn't a very wet storm..... but a Cat 5 or 6 and devestated the Homestead area, abouyt 50 miles south of where I lived. Communities were demolished and the aftermath resulted in years of turmoil for south Florida. There was so much debris the locals named it Mt. Trashmore.

My first pet "Shadow" came into my life as a result of Hurricane Andrew. She was orphaned by the storm, rescued and adopted by my friend. We had Shadow for the next 12 years and she was extremely nervous of thunderstorms -- who wouldn't be, after living through such trauma?
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
Old 08-18-2008, 04:57 PM
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Default Re: Hurricane Question? ?

I wonder if the owners of the horses around the Ocala area must relocate their animals during a hurricane. Some of those ranches that I've seen when I visited are quite large with a number of handsome horses. That could be a costly venture. Furthermore, if they remain in their stalls they must really be "anxious" to say the least.
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