Investment Talk forum debuts; You asked for it!

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Old 03-10-2009, 10:24 PM
tony tony is offline
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Default Investment Talk forum debuts; You asked for it!

What the hottest topic around these days? The market, investing, and
the economy, of course.

We opened a new Investment Talk forum to make it easy for the
financial junkies to get together.

It is intended for general discussion on the stock market and investments. We
do want to make this routine disclaimer: Anything you read there should be
considered as coming from non-professionals and should not be taken as
investment advice. You should seek financial advice only from a financial

We've moved a few posts into the new forum. If you run across any others you
think should be there, let us know.

Here is a link to the forum.
Investment Talk
Old 03-10-2009, 11:00 PM
Boomer Boomer is offline
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Well, Mr. Tony, this is just great. (She said sarcastically.) I just signed up for a morning exercise class because I have been getting way too fat and sassy sitting around in front of this computer on those winter mornings I have been putting up with for months on end. So today, I signed up. I did.

I signed up for an exercise class, and I also signed up for a Scottrade account. Both on the same day. So what happens if I just spend all my time in front of this computer talking about the economy and obsessing on TOTV about what stocks to buy and then I confess all about how I am doing with my stocks and it will not be good and I will confess anyway and then everybody will think Boomer is an idiot and then I will have forgotten to go to my exercise class and my life will be a shambles and I will start to write in long run-on sentences and Oprah will have to have me on her show where I will tell my story and, and, and whose fault will that be Mr. Tony? Well, this is just great.

Old 03-11-2009, 10:01 AM
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Default That is a good move.

With the caveats you present, I look forward to learning about some new approaches/aspects/experiences/cautions on the new forum.

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