Its still a beautiful day in the Villages !

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Old 10-17-2007, 03:49 PM
cryfield cryfield is offline
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Default Its still a beautiful day in the Villages !

We closed and moved into our "villa"in Largo Village on the 27th.January.On the morning of Feb. 2nd.the day of the tornado my son in the united Kingdom heard the news on television ,being concerned for his mum and dad (we did not have a telephone then) he phoned the sales office in the villages,hello said the receptionist its a beautiful day in the villages,how can I help you? I don't think so said my son I believe that you have just had a tornado!!thats right she said," but it is still a beautiful day in the villages" and do you know what? it was.
We have never before witnessed a coming together of people like we saw in the aftermath of that dreadful day,the support given to all the unlucky residents had to be seen to be believed,we have not seen anything like it since the 2nd. world war when Coventry was "blitzed" by Mr. Hitler.
We first visited TV 10 years ago when we were staying at the Greneleffe Golf Resort near Haines City south of Orlando,one of the other guests mentioned it to us and we took a ride up to have a look.We were very impressed with what we saw and over the next few years we could not get it out of our minds and so 5 years ago we took a "lifestyle preview for 7 days and stayed on another week after that,since then untill last Noveember when we bought a home we have rented every year and we love it,in our opinion there is no place anywhere in the world that comes anywhere near TV, with all the facilities that it offers and we feel so safe here with 99% of the residents, shops etc. being extremely friendly.
We would say to anyone thinking of buying not to hesitate,there does appear to be some very good deals on offer at the moment ,

Old 10-17-2007, 06:11 PM
Indy-Guy Indy-Guy is offline
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Default Re: Its still a beautiful day in the Villages !

I would agree with All that you had to say!

I have talked to many that were touched by this storm and I haven't talked to anybody who has complained. Yes they wouldn't have liked to not deal with their insurance company but if they weren't in The Villages and this would have happened to them life would have been much worse than it was.

It has been many months since February 2nd and the help and the stories that came from that horrible day have been more positive than not!

My wife and I went out about 8 AM after the storm that missed us by 3 blocks. First of all we were thankful that we weren't part of this tragedy and 2nd were thankful of all of all the efforts that were going on with the clean up.

The construction crews that worked in The Villages came in and seemed to handle things that you wouldn't think of! The stories that came out of this tragedy were amazing all a credit to this comunity!

Anderson Indiana---Indianapolis Indiana--- Village of Poinciana Full Time
Old 10-17-2007, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: Its still a beautiful day in the Villages !

Loved your story, Cryfield. We too, have just purchased after renting for several years.
We're so anxious to stay in our own place this year.........on our way day after tomorrow
"It ain't what you lost ---- it's what you have left"
Old 10-18-2007, 03:03 PM
efrahin efrahin is offline
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Default Re: Its still a beautiful day in the Villages !

I visited TV last year and found out the people too nice to be true (maybe because we are used to the ruffness of NY). It was so nice that we believed everything was orchestrated, but it appears that it was true. I cant wait till Dec when we are going to be there for a month, hopefully we will move in the spring/summer 2008, I hope nothing changes till then.
Old 10-28-2007, 05:06 PM
LG LG is offline
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Default Re: Its still a beautiful day in the Villages !

Originally Posted by efrahin
I visited TV last year and found out the people too nice to be true (maybe because we are used to the ruffness of NY). It was so nice that we believed everything was orchestrated, but it appears that it was true. I cant wait till Dec when we are going to be there for a month, hopefully we will move in the spring/summer 2008, I hope nothing changes till then.
Whats with RUDE and CRUDE ny'ers?
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