Last minute things to do before my visit

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Old 08-29-2010, 07:56 PM
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Default Last minute things to do before my visit

Okay. A week from Tuesday, I will be flying in to be in my home for the first time. Getting excited.

Without a car, I will need to rent a golf cart to get around. Someone told me "They cost about $19 per day and you get a discount if you rent for a week."

During my stay, I intend to buy a used (not abused) gas golf cart. Can I rent a cart from day to day and if I purchase my own cart, can I return the one I rented? Another question. Where do I find one of these rental places and am I guarenteed to find a cart available to rent. September might be the beginning of the invasion. of the snowbirds.

Not sure where I will go cart shopping but maybe I'll get lucky and find one available in The Daily Sun or on this TOTV site. Any suggestions that can make my golf cart experience less pressured?
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Old 08-29-2010, 09:29 PM
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Get a cart from Jim Followell (just do a search for his name and you'll find his phone number). I'm sure he'll be able to work something out with you if you end up renting for less than a week or the time initially stated. He also sells used carts. His carts are in excellent condition and he stands behind them.
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Old 08-29-2010, 09:40 PM
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[QUOTE=Tom Hannon;288023]

September might be the beginning of the invasion. of the snowbirds.

Actually, I think a lot of seasonal residents start returning to their Village homes in oct/nov ..and some wait until after Christmas.
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Old 08-29-2010, 09:50 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Get a cart from Jim Followell (just do a search for his name and you'll find his phone number). I'm sure he'll be able to work something out with you if you end up renting for less than a week or the time initially stated. He also sells used carts. His carts are in excellent condition and he stands behind them.
If he is standing behind his golf cart... please don't back up!
Old 08-30-2010, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Pturner View Post
If he is standing behind his golf cart... please don't back up!

Some people are such wiseguys!
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Old 08-30-2010, 07:12 AM
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Agree, you find September is still the last "normal" month before all the snowbirds start coming in October and so do the lines at places to eat!

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Old 08-30-2010, 09:24 AM
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Default might also want a car for this one

Just MO, but since this is your first visit, you may want a car (depending on where you live) to help with numerous trips to Home Depot, Lowe's, maybe furniture stores, consignment shops, etc.

I've made a couple of trips down without a car, just using our cart, and it's actually kind of fun, and it forces you to find your way about via cart, and this is all good. But, the first couple of trips, we found ourselves really needing a car for those "off campus" errands.

But, if your time is limited, and you just purchased, you will probably find there are lots of "little things" you want to add your first couple of trips. Maybe easiest to rent a car from Enterprise at the airport, keep it for 2-3 days (if you're one of those organized types) or your whole trip if the price is right. You can turn it into Enterprise at LSL or just keep it for your trip back to the airport if your visit is short enough.

You also might find a much better rate for a weekly or even more cart rental from Jim Followell (as others have mentioned) than $19/day. Ask if he has a shopping bag you can borrow for the cart.
Old 08-30-2010, 08:53 PM
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Tom, I agree with Ohiogirl. When we were there for a short time in March it seemed that every time we went out we came back with a car load. We could not have managed without a car.
The golf cart is great but in the beginning there's a lot of stuff to haul.
I recommend that you get a car, at least for part of your visit.
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Old 08-30-2010, 09:23 PM
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Tom I have to agree with OHIOGIRL --we have been down several times before buying last month and while a cart was great --we really like the car for getting around quickly and getting things done in our short stays --We will be moving in 10/27 and then I think the cart will become a way of life

Good luck
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Old 08-30-2010, 09:35 PM
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Default Both of my first visits

I had two shopping carts full at each store. Wouldn't have been able to put it on a cart. Remember to take time to have some fun while you are here. What doesn't get done can wait for the next time.

From Liberty, MO
Old 08-31-2010, 07:33 AM
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Remember to notify your credit card company that there will be an unusual number of purchases made...and that you'll be in Florida. Nothing's worse than finding that your account has been shut down when you're trying to check out. My wife was in TV outfitting our new home and I got a call from our credit card company while I was still in upstate NY. They said that there was "unusual activity" on our account. I told them that it was ok since my wife was furnishing a new home. The agent said "Oh, God bless you!" Since then we've called them before we go down.
Best of luck!
Old 08-31-2010, 07:56 AM
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I think you need a car. We spent a lot of time running to Lowes and Home Depot for stuff...and your post office, (here or there) has a coupon from Lowes I think it is, for 10% off for people who are moving. Ask for it...At least they did about 18 months ago.

Does anyone know it that is still happening, the Lowes coupon?

Please take the advice of Teachnmo and have some fun too. We didn't. We didn't even have a TV for several visits and both of us being first borns, we wouldn't quit until we got the house..."done". Poor Helene!

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Old 08-31-2010, 08:26 AM
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If you are planning to buy a lot of things down here, a car is a great idea. However, I got the impression that you're bringing almost everything with you. Once all of your stuff arrives, you will discover what else you need and you'll go nuts shopping. So, if you're not planning to do a lot of shopping this trip, a golf cart will do the trick. You might also consider just renting a car for one day to pick up things -- most of the stores will hold your purchases (or purchases-to-be) at least overnight.

Getting to Lowe's via golf cart is doable but a royal pain (literally). For Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sam's Club and several other stores, you need a car (even a street legal cart is not allowed at these destinations).

Regardless of how much you plan to work this trip, Teachmo and Gracie are 100% right, take time to have some fun. Do a night at the square, an hour or two at the pool, maybe even check out a club. All work when everyone else is playing is just no fun.
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