Late Evening Loud Music

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Old 08-06-2007, 11:13 AM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

It is so funny how some noises are soothing to people and some are annoying, just like smells..I love the smell of horses, they remind me of the country and farms..Some people detest that smell..
That is why there is chocolate and vanilla I guess!! ;D

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Old 08-06-2007, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

Jan..OMG, I didn't realize it was that close..I think even though I like that sound it would also annoy me being that close to the house..Then it becomes a torment as opposed to a walk back in time..
What a shame there is nothing that can be done..

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Old 08-06-2007, 12:27 PM
nanci2539 nanci2539 is offline
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

We live behind a freight train and what they call a changing station. This means the trains crash into each other - that's what it sounds like. It's not as close as 400 feet - it's more like 3-4 blocks away if I had to calculate. But somtimes it sounds like it's in my lap!

We have a berm (or small hill) that blocks the view but not the sound. After ten years, we have become use to it (to a poiint). I don't find it intrusive as much but when we have company and enjoying an evening outside in our gazebo, and the train comes by; my guests will jump exclaiming "what in the world is that".

So, I can clearly understand what Jan is dealing with.

When we had our home built, the builder never mentioned it but in our walk around the neighborhood and of course, going over the small hill to see what was on the otehr side, we were hesitant and decided to investigate by talking to people who already lived in the area. Not one person said it was a problem and noted that after a while, they didn't even notice it. So, we did our homework and trusted what the neighbors told us. Coupled with the fact that we love our home and got a good deal with the builder.

I admit, I do notice it on a spring night when the windows are open and I'm in bed and the trains passing each other have to say hello by blowing their whistles back and forth for several minutes.

Like I say, we don't find the sound intrusive but people who have sold in our area have said it does become a problem when trying to sell the house. We're in better shape than most of our neighbors because we can't see the trains from our second floor because of the location of our home.

I do understand Jan's dilemma and frankly, some folks are not being fair by saying to get over it. I'm sure by now Jan is somewhat use to it but it's hard to convince potential buyers that it's not that big a deal. So, you have my understanding Jan and I hope if you ever decide to sell, you have good luck.

Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-06-2007, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

Will trees or bushes help block/buffer the noise? You have my sympathy... :

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Old 08-06-2007, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

Jan, I do sympathize with your plight. Your problems can be someone else's cautionary tale. There is another post that talks about buying their TV house sight unseen. I can't even imagine that.

I have even heard of people who find a house they like and then literally camp out in their car in front of the house for some time to catch any Realtor 'half truths'.

If they are required by law to tell you how come you have no recourse against them? I know that you've been there for some time now but back when.

Old 08-07-2007, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

Originally Posted by Talk Host
The train is about 400 yards behind our house. We can read the wording on the side of the cars when it passes. None of our neighbors were told about the train either. Several have moved, several cannot sell their house. One lady has had to seek professional help from a psychologist to deal with the way the train affects her. She cannot sell her house because of the noise. Some people down the street had their house up for sale for almost a year with no success, then took it off the market. Last night about 3:30 the train passed and sounded his horn 32 times. The train actually creates little ripples in our pool when it passes.

It is nice for people who don't have this problem to minimize it. I don't find it soothing or pleasant. It is pretty clear to me that the Villages will so, say, or not say anything in order to sell property here.
did this ever come up in discussions with the villages, did u tell them of your displeasure. Were you offered any solace?? :dontknow:
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Old 08-07-2007, 06:21 AM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

Originally Posted by diskman
did this ever come up in discussions with the villages, did u tell them of your displeasure. Were you offered any solace?? :dontknow:
I called our agent the day we moved in. Ironically, the train was passing while I was talking to him and he couldn't hear me on the phone. He claimed he knew nothing about it prior to the sale. I sent a letter to the developer asking why I was not told about the train. He did send a return letter. He never did mention the disclosure issue but said that if it is a problem, I could sell my house and move. :
Old 08-07-2007, 08:58 AM
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What bothers me a lot is are there seems to be no laws to protect people in TV. Are there no "rules" about disclosure in TV?

Your realtor is a jerk and you would do us service to post his name so we can avoid him/her. Was this a village's agent?

Just curious, have you contacted an attorney about this to find out if you have any legal rights? I say this because we now live in a maintenance free area. This means we can't have fences or outside structures, somewhat like what the mandated in TV.

We also can't have swings, pools, basketball hoops, etc. Although not stated, the area was developed for empty nester's. Most of our neighbors are young with small children. They don't like mowing grass or shoveling snow any more than we empty nester's do.

The couple behind us have two boys. They were not told about the no swing set or pool rule. They were given a copy of the covenants AFTER they passed papers. The realtor was sued and it was favorable to the home owner.

This was a resale by the way. Is there is anything n TV covenants that outlines the train situation?

You may want to consider talking to a lawyer just to see where you stand with this.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-07-2007, 09:16 AM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

Not being told about the train is one issue with me, the other is that the lot was an extra $50,000 because it backed up to an empty field. I paid $50,000 extra to listen to a train for the rest of my life. We moved here from upstate New York, where we had a house on two acres of land and the most noise we heard was the frogs in our pond. I love our house, I love our friends here, but I don't mind telling you that every time I hear that train (25-30 times a day) I am reminded that I was duped. There is no way that you can convince me that neither the developer nor the agent knew about the train. This was a Villages agent and we had the house built. I don't know how this guy sleeps at night.

I want to make it clear that the Villages is a great place. Lots of nice people, clean as can be. Plenty of activites and great golf courses. For the most part it is run in a very professional and thorough fashion. It is just that as an individual, I feel that I was tricked on this deal. I would have purchased elsewhere in the Villages if I had known, but they were pushing to close out Chatham and so the negative effects on the homeowners were not a consideration on the part of the developer. They were the winners.

Every time we have guests stay with us, the first thing they say in the morning is....."Wow, how can you sleep at night?"

I filed a complaint with the Florida State REal Estate board, but never heard one word back from them. I contacted numerous attorneys in the area, but they all declined to accept the case because they were in some way representing an aspect of the Villages.

The thing that I don't believe they realise is that in the course of a year, I am heard on hundreds of radio stations around the United States and Canada and soon to be in England. Every chance I get, I tell this story. My guess is that several million people have heard it, and probably another serveral million will in the future. It does nothing to correct my problem, but it makes me feel better.

Please, once again, do not let my story sway you away from the Villages. It is a great place to live, but don't be fooled into thinking that they care about you. They care about selling houses. That's my opionion.

Old 08-07-2007, 09:47 AM
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IMHO, they have the moral fibers of alley cats!

You're right, it is a business and making a dollar is the bottom line. Ethics don't come into it at all.

At least your story has warned others to be diligent in when purchasing a home, new or resale.

I'm sorry that you are dealing with this - our train goes by maybe 12 times a day and night. Like I posted, I am use to it now and don't find it intrusive. Annoying but not intrusive if that makes sense.

I know when we sell the house, it will be a matter of discussion and I know many people who shy away from it so I do feel your pain.

How do your other neighbors feel about this? Have you considered a petition? There should at least be compensation granted to you and others for this aggravation.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-07-2007, 09:55 AM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

I wonder what the philosophers who say "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade" would say about this problem.
If it indeed does pass 25-30 times a day, what do your neighbors say? How many people are actually affected by this? Not meaning to make light of this, perhaps a club could be formed from the people directly affected by this, and then, as a group, something could get done.
How long have you been in the house?
Old 08-07-2007, 09:58 AM
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If a Village "Club" was formed, and you had a voice, I think TV would definitely listen.
They seem eager to form these clubs, so why not form one under a pretense, say RR lovers of TV; get everyone involved together, and then have some clout.
Old 08-07-2007, 10:34 AM
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Old 08-07-2007, 11:24 AM
mejahu mejahu is offline
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

The property owners association,, is a good place to find out the concerns of people living in the Villages. It is trying to get better disclosure for prospective owners and also working to get the siding problems solved. I've been reading it for a while and it's good information to have when considering a purchase or for those who already own property in TV.
Old 08-07-2007, 05:24 PM
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Default Re: Late Evening Loud Music

Am I missing something? Is it only the Village of Chatham that is bothered by the train or are there other areas. We're coming down this month and I want to check it out. We'll be buying early 2008. Thanks for the update.
Yonkers, NY; East Windsor, NJ; Hamilton Sq., NJ; Village of Amelia
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