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Old 08-22-2007, 03:48 PM
nanci2539 nanci2539 is offline
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Default Lawns

On my visits to TV, I noticed many brown lawns. Of course, it was July but I'm talking totally brown with no green peeping through. Is there a water ban in TV? In our area, we are mandated to water our lawns to prevent this. We have in ground sprinklers systems and I water each zone 15 minutes twice a week.

Does TV not mandate that lawns be watered to prevent the grass from dying off? Of is it just too hot so it's going to happen regardless if you water or not.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-22-2007, 04:14 PM
noleguy noleguy is offline
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Default Re: Lawns

There is a watering restriction that allows you to water only once a week. In the hot weather we have been having, without the afternoon thunder showers, the lawns tend to show brown quickly, particularly in the newly developed areas. When we get the normal summer afternoon thunder showers everything stays green even without watering.
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