The Library

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Old 12-01-2008, 01:59 PM
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Default The Library

From the internet I can see that the library is part of the Sumter County system and that it's located on Belvedere, across from the school, just south of 466. Their web site does'nt give us much info. It seems that the Marion County library doesn't serve the Villages.
How do you like your library?
Can they get just about anything you want via inter library loans?
Do they carry books on CDs?
Old 12-01-2008, 06:36 PM
WSOX47 WSOX47 is offline
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TV has many good and even great things going for it, but from our experience Libraries are not one of them. The Library off 466 is really pitiful. It's samller, by far, than the K-5 library where our sons attened (school population: approx 125: more than 10,000 items ). And I would have not expected anything as terrific as the Wheaton, IL library (Population 50,000). Even extending that 466 site to include other Sumpter county locations: the very pitiful comment rema ins. Borders is much much better!!!

It would cost Big Bucks to get the 466 site up to a par with most Northern city standards for a comparable population. I don't think the residents would want to incur that expense.
Old 12-01-2008, 08:20 PM
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On a scale of ten to one it is a 1-. It conveniently sits across from TV worker's school. From 2:00 -5:00 it is noisy and a hangout for the kids. It would have been so nice to have a first class library and access to all of the services and items that a modern library can now access but .....
Old 12-01-2008, 10:22 PM
dabisson dabisson is offline
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Default The Villages Library

Some people are really spoiled and show it with their negative comments.

There are TWO libraries in The Villages. There is also the Mark Twain Library East of US 441/27 in the Historic side.

The Sumter County Library in The Villages is really one of seven [1 of 7] branches of the Sumter County System.

65% of their books are always out - which indicates that Villages' people read a lot.

You can go on line and do a search and reserve your book(s). You will be called when your book(s) come in.

Yes, there are interlibrary loans; internet/email services, adult programs, Art Exhibits, meeting rooms, copiers, FAX's, etc......

The Villages built the Library and gave it to Sumter County for its residents.

It may not be up to some people's standards but it's a good addition to our Community and residents should avail themselves of its services rather than find fault with it!
Old 12-01-2008, 11:43 PM
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Default Research

I moved here a few years ago to retire and delve into my second love after music. And that is research. Baseball research to be exact. As I have been doing research since the 1970s, I am quite familiar with library setups and services. From Illinois to Maine to Florida I have sent for and received material via ILL for my research purposes. I even have my own microifilm reader.

After the above mentioned libraries, I have found the Villages library to be among the DREGS for doing any kind of real research. Example: When my wife and I lived in Oviedo (Seminole County, FL), I was able to order microfilmed newspapers to my local library on line via ILL . When the microfilm came in, my local library me via email. I went to the library and picked up the reels of film. When finished with the microfilm, I returned them to the library where they then were returned to the original lending library.

I understand the Villages Library is fairly new so I expected state-of-the art
services. I mentioned the above listed example to the librarian at the Villages Library when we moved here. The blank look she gave me appeared as though I was telling her a story from a science-fiction magazine. I was there only once ...... my research was put on the skids by this country library and now I do everything via computer. Thank God many newspapers now are being digitized. And while there are some excellent libraries out there, in my humble opinion, the Villages lIbrary is not among them. It is nowhere near a full service library.
Joliet, IL; Topsham, ME; Oviedo, FL; Las Vegas, NV;
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Old 12-02-2008, 07:10 AM
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Dabisson, with all due respect, the library may be a welcome addition to the county compared with what you had in the past, but as others have said, it is really not a very good library compared to others I have been to. We used to spend a lot of time in Cocoa Beach, and the the library there was fantastic - about 4 times the size - it had a cadre of computers for patrons to use, much more magazines and periodicals, and much more of the latest new fiction available. According to the US census of 2005, the population of Cocoa Beach was a little over 12,000. I also haven't found the service at the Villages library to be particularly good. I put a book on hold once, by telephone, and they lost the record of it and I had to re-place the book on hold after a couple of weeks. And instead of apologizing, they whined about how many people they have to serve. There is a library in Wildwood that has better service, but about the same selection of books though.
Old 12-02-2008, 11:07 AM
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Default Give 'em some time

When I moved here Sumter County was the poorest county in the state. The closest Sumter County library was in a mildewed (Sp?), concrete block, crowded building in Wildwood that has been replaced. Since then the developer built and donated the building on 466 to the county. It takes time and a lot of money to get a library up to speed.
Got news for you folks! you may live in a fantastic place, The Villages, but you still live in rural Sumter County. If the lack of a first class library is your only complaint, consider yourself fortunate.
This is the first place I have lived that didn't have a top notch library ( some of those places have since had major cutbacks ) but the trade off is well worth it.
For those of you who feel there is a need of improvement, I am sure if you volunteer your time and talents it will be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I believe both Ocala and Leesburg have decent libraries.
Old 12-02-2008, 11:58 AM
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Well all of this is surprising and a good reality check. It is the first time that I have come across anything that wasn't wonderful in TV. Even little things are surprisingly well done (The self covering Bingo cards, even the clear shades on last nights candles for the tree lighting).

I guess it is a good place for those who like to do a community improvement project.
Old 12-02-2008, 08:14 PM
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Default More on the Library

Thanks to all who gave their candid opinions. When we get down there, this appears to be a good project for our volunteer efforts.

While searching the nearby counties, I came a cross a super library presently under construction in Lake County. The Cooper Memorial Library, a partnership project of Lake County community College, Lake County commissioners, and the University of Central Florida. It appears to have everything that everyone thought they might want. Its down in Cleremont at 821 Minneola Ave.

Old 12-03-2008, 07:11 AM
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I'm all for volunteering, but we all know, there needs to be sufficient funding for the latest technology, and to buy the various reading materials, computers, etc. which a good library will offer. If there is a call for this from Village residents, perhaps the county will allocate more resources to the library.
Old 12-03-2008, 08:35 AM
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I agree Rekop. With all of us in Sumter County paying Taxes, maybe Sumter is NOT the poorest county any more.
Old 12-03-2008, 07:04 PM
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Default Sumter's Library

I agree totally. The library is less than adequate for the needs of the community. I also strongly agree that with all the taxes we Villagers pay, there should be funds available to upgrade or replace the current facility.

I also think those working at the library, paid and volunteer alike, should create and enforce a proper library environment. That is to say one in which the patrons don't have to hear every conversation, check-out and new card issue along with drivel & gossip from the high school students waiting for their ride home from school...

Just my opinion, and I am well aware that everyone has one....and not all will agree!
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Old 12-03-2008, 07:16 PM
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Default Library

I live close to the library on Parr Drive in The Villages. I love to read and I use it a lot. It is very small to service such a huge population, but it is accesible by golf cart, and I love that. I've found the staff pleasant and willing to order in books. I guess I wasn't expecting a world-class facility.

Yes, it is a hangout for kids after school, and so is Southern Trace Plaza. But it is only for a couple of hours each week day, and I just avoid the library at that time.
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Old 12-03-2008, 08:24 PM
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Default Ditto, Barefoot

Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
I live close to the library on Parr Drive in The Villages. I love to read and I use it a lot. It is very small to service such a huge population, but it is accesible by golf cart, and I love that. I've found the staff pleasant and willing to order in books. I guess I wasn't expecting a world-class facility.

Yes, it is a hangout for kids after school, and so is Southern Trace Plaza. But it is only for a couple of hours each week day, and I just avoid the library at that time.
We have always found the staff friendly, helpful and knowledgeable.
It is small but was never intended to be a world class research facility. It is just a small lending library.
Old 12-06-2008, 08:50 PM
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Default Help is on the Way

The Sumter Times reports that a new 50,000 square foot building will be built on property along County road 139, near County road 466A, north of Millennium Park in Wildwood that will house a new library as well as county administrative offices. Construction is expected to take about two years.
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