Lightning vs Golf Cart Chargers

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Old 05-22-2008, 07:07 PM
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Default Lightning vs Golf Cart Chargers

Are there a lot of problems with lightning "frying" chargers and other electronics in Golf Carts & Charging Systems in TV?
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Old 05-22-2008, 11:31 PM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Default Re: Lightning vs Golf Cart Chargers

Our golf cart serviceperson told us unequivocally, in no uncertain terms, that we should unplug our cart from the charger when it's fully charged--and unplug the charger from the wall if we're going to be away. According to him, Florida is the lightning capital of the country, and during any lengthy absence most everything electronic in the house should be unplugged, from TVs to clock radios. Can't hurt, even if a bit inconvenient. We also sprang for a whole house surge suppressor as well as smaller ones on things like the automatic garage door opener. Would rather be safe....
Old 05-23-2008, 04:13 AM
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Default Re: Lightning vs Golf Cart Chargers

Our golf cart company head office (Columbia Par Car) told us unequivocally to leave our golf cart plugged in most of the time, or we would risk losing most of our battery life. I checked with the mechanics who confirmed this. We have a surge protector in our fuse box and a surge strip where the cart is plugged in. We have Village Watchdogs unplug the Cart for two weeks at a time and then plug it back in for two weeks, to protect the battery.

So if anyone smells a fried charger, it is at our house.

We unplugged everything else, including the automatic garage door and the refrigerator.
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