Moffitt Cancer Center

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Old 01-29-2011, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by EdVinMass View Post
Probably because they are a (new?) advertising clent of TOTV.
Ok, that makes sense. I have to admit I do not continually review the ads. If they would mix in some personal ads from hot chicks I would read them more often.
Old 01-29-2011, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by EdVinMass View Post
According to the latest Sentinel article, there’s already an independent treatment center in Leesburg. So there will be a total of 4 treatment centers. Of course, by 2015, TV plans to have an additional 25,000 residents.

P.S. It’s not just TV residents that are being asked to donate funds. They are holding fund raising meetings with residents in the adjacent communities too.

And by looking at any of the county population growth projections for Lake and Sumter counties over the next five to ten years and further out it would present a pretty good business case for just about anyone in the medical field.
Old 01-29-2011, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by The Shadow View Post
Food for thought, “I would go to the facility "on property" even though Leesburg may be closer to my house. And I suspect a number of people in TV would probably choose the same.” I go along with that, so I wonder why with all the nice restaurants in TV why would TOTV go to Leesburg to have a get together. I could not figure that from the day it was announced if for no other reason than if you want to see you local business tomorrow you should support it today.

Naples restaurant in Leesburg is one of the sponsors that provides you with the privilege of using this forum for free. We have contacted every (every) restaurant in The Villages with a proposal to advertise on Talk of The Villages. Every one of them has declined. Naples restaurant, on the other hand, sees the value of promoting itself to Villages residents. (wonder why they go out of business?)

For those who publicly profess to not viewing not noticing or just plain ignoreing our advertisers, I would say that it's important to remember that its these ads that provide all of use with the privilege of having Talk of The Villages. Without them, no forum.

The developer is likely the landlord of most restaurants in The Villages. I would hate to think that they are being instructed to not support this forum.

Old 01-29-2011, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Talk Host View Post
Naples restaurant in Leesburg is one of the sponsors that provides you with the privilege of using this forum for free. We have contacted every (every) restaurant in The Villages with a proposal to advertise on Talk of The Villages. Every one of them has declined. Naples restaurant, on the other hand, sees the value of promoting itself to Villages residents. (wonder why they go out of business?)

For those who publicly profess to not viewing not noticing or just plain ignoreing our advertisers, I would say that it's important to remember that its these ads that provide all of use with the privilege of having Talk of The Villages. Without them, no forum.

The developer is likely the landlord of most restaurants in The Villages. I would hate to think that they are being instructed to not support this forum.

Under the circumstances you have described I would totally support your actions. Thank you for taking time to respond and for providing that information.
Old 01-30-2011, 06:49 PM
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Default Well said

Originally Posted by nitakk View Post
It seems as though if you criticize the way donations are being asked for by, at the very best, not telling the whole truth, you are against Moffitt, cancer treatment in general and probably don't like puppies. For all of you who think those of us who question this whole deal makes us Morse-bashers, Moffitt-haters and quite possibly Nazi-loving communists, my answer is to use your brain. I now realize there is no way of reasoning with people who don't want to use reason but it's so frustrating!! I, for one, won't be snookered into this out-and-out fraud being perpetuated on us by CFHA. Donations to all local "real" charities are down in this area since this crap started and that is just wrong. So if you will excuse me, I have to get back to "Mein Kampf" - it was just getting interesting.
It seems like there are better uses for our charitable contributions.

My biggest complaint about this whole controversy is the total lack of journalistic integrity on the part of Developer's Daily Sun toadies in reporting on this matter, but I guess we should be used to that by now. It is too bad that the Daily Sun is the only source of news for many Villagers.
We can be grateful to Lauren Ritchie and the Property Owners' Association for giving us the news that the Developer obviously doesn't want us to have.
Old 01-30-2011, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Advogado View Post
We can be grateful to Lauren Ritchie and the Property Owners' Association for giving us the news that the Developer obviously doesn't want us to have.
What news did they give us exactly? I just re-read both of them and mostly it was just the other cancer center complaining or generating a list of questions in the POA bulletin. The questions, if answered, are good but the questions themselves are not news, they are questions.

The only thing in either article that was news might be the answer on the lease arrangements.
Old 01-30-2011, 07:43 PM
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Florida is only one of two states that does not require a proposed healthcare facility to seek a certificate of need. The other states require a proposal that clearly demonstrates that there is a need for the facility to meet unmet needs.
Here it seems to be a hands-off, have-at-it approach. When there are too many facilities, there is under-utilization and that ultimately leads to increased costs...and even closing of some pioneering outfits. This seems to be nothing less than shameful money-grubbing to get into residents pockets.
Old 01-30-2011, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Russ_Boston View Post
What news did they give us exactly? I just re-read both of them and mostly it was just the other cancer center complaining or generating a list of questions in the POA bulletin. The questions, if answered, are good but the questions themselves are not news, they are questions.

The only thing in either article that was news might be the answer on the lease arrangements.
Russ, according to "the other" is not a "cancer center".
Old 01-30-2011, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by saratogaman View Post
Florida is only one of two states that does not require a proposed healthcare facility to seek a certificate of need. The other states require a proposal that clearly demonstrates that there is a need for the facility to meet unmet needs.
Here it seems to be a hands-off, have-at-it approach. When there are too many facilities, there is under-utilization and that ultimately leads to increased costs...and even closing of some pioneering outfits. This seems to be nothing less than shameful money-grubbing to get into residents pockets.
I agree completely.
Old 01-30-2011, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by same View Post
Russ, according to "the other" is not a "cancer center".
Thanks - I was trying to be kind.

Saratoga - Can't money grub if you don't give them any money. Let them go out of business if that's what the market dictates. This is just a cancer center affiliation - Moffitt has been in Florida and flourished for many years.
Old 01-30-2011, 10:09 PM
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Default To donate or not to donate? That is the question.

Originally Posted by Russ_Boston View Post
Thanks - I was trying to be kind.

Saratoga - Can't money grub if you don't give them any money. Let them go out of business if that's what the market dictates. This is just a cancer center affiliation - Moffitt has been in Florida and flourished for many years.
Russ, are you going to donate to Moffitt, knowing what you now know about the situation?
Old 01-31-2011, 08:58 AM
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The effective statement here is donate if you wish and don't if you have a problem with the issues. If you are criticizing in an attempt to influence others from not giving don't waste your breath.

Many of us have and will continue to follow our beliefs in trying to help others. Personally I purchased several memorial bricks to honor family and close friends that have fallen victim to cancer. That is my choice and not yours to decide.

To those that say this will lessen donations to other charities, not true, we still give the same to all those we have supported over the years, locally and in our home town. Follow your heart and not those that are trying to convince you based on their dislike of one or another individual. I've found after all these years that they tend to not be a giving person and of course that's their choice.
Old 01-31-2011, 09:19 AM
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[QUOTE=chuckster;327146]The effective statement here is donate if you wish and don't if you have a problem with the issues. If you are criticizing in an attempt to influence others from not giving don't waste your breath.

Many of us have and will continue to follow our beliefs in trying to help others. Personally I purchased several memorial bricks to honor family and close friends that have fallen victim to cancer. That is my choice and not yours to decide.

To those that say this will lessen donations to other charities, not true, we still give the same to all those we have supported over the years, locally and in our home town. Follow your heart and not those that are trying to convince you based on their dislike of one or another individual. I've found after all these years that they tend to not be a giving person and of course that's their choice.[/QUOT


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Old 01-31-2011, 10:17 AM
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Some of what you say is very true but...we and many of our friends don't want to donate but... we are very active. We have a large circle of friends here. We have no say, if we want to see our friends in the show. Hospice and Relay for life are our preferred charities and they are down in the Villages. The charities are down, ask the boards.
When every 5 min you have an ad on the radio, a center set up in the town squares and shows giving part of ticket, or all the ticket, you donate whether you want or not. The smaller charities don't have that power.!! I'm off the computer for a days( so busy) and won't have time to debate but I will be donating to Moffitt whether I want to or not.
Old 01-31-2011, 11:05 AM
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Originally Posted by chuckster View Post
The effective statement here is donate if you wish and don't if you have a problem with the issues. If you are criticizing in an attempt to influence others from not giving don't waste your breath.

Many of us have and will continue to follow our beliefs in trying to help others. Personally I purchased several memorial bricks to honor family and close friends that have fallen victim to cancer. That is my choice and not yours to decide.

To those that say this will lessen donations to other charities, not true, we still give the same to all those we have supported over the years, locally and in our home town. Follow your heart and not those that are trying to convince you based on their dislike of one or another individual. I've found after all these years that they tend to not be a giving person and of course that's their choice.
Nicely said
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