My Mercedes vandalized behind Johnny Rocket

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Old 09-20-2010, 08:35 PM
taruffi57 taruffi57 is offline
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Default My Mercedes vandalized behind Johnny Rocket

Went to movie 9:20 PM 8/18/10 & parked behind businesses across street from Theatre at Lake Sumter Landing. Left movie about 11:20 PM. Discovered next morning that our Mercedes coupe had the front grille center large round/3 pointed star emblem pried off of it. Also, smaller same emblem on trunk lid appears to have been pried on with pocket knife. The scumbag lowlife broke that one - as part of it is still on the car. Also scratched the paint. I'm sure he is wearing it around his neck on a cheap chain or glued to his lime green jacked up '68 Impala 4 door with 24" chrome rims. Community Watch says NO security cameras in that parking lot. WHAT? As much money as Villagers pay in fees!!!!!!! IS YOUR CAR NEXT????? We'll have to eat this one.

Extremely agitated resident
Old 09-20-2010, 09:36 PM
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So very annoying and I feel your rage. I too owned a Mercedes sports coupe that turned heads and got rid of it for that very reason. My daughter owned a fancy schmancy vette which was damaged a number of times until she gave up and next car was an SUV.

Hope that you have insurance on your cedes' (that's what my daughter called my Mercedes (pronounced: Sadie).
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Old 09-20-2010, 09:43 PM
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So sorry that this happen to you. It is covered under your comprehensive.
Old 09-20-2010, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by taruffi57 View Post
Went to movie 9:20 PM 8/18/10 & parked behind businesses across street from Theatre at Lake Sumter Landing. Left movie about 11:20 PM. Discovered next morning that our Mercedes coupe had the front grille center large round/3 pointed star emblem pried off of it. Also, smaller same emblem on trunk lid appears to have been pried on with pocket knife. The scumbag lowlife broke that one - as part of it is still on the car. Also scratched the paint. I'm sure he is wearing it around his neck on a cheap chain or glued to his lime green jacked up '68 Impala 4 door with 24" chrome rims. Community Watch says NO security cameras in that parking lot. WHAT? As much money as Villagers pay in fees!!!!!!! IS YOUR CAR NEXT????? We'll have to eat this one.

Extremely agitated resident
Drove Mercedes all my life, until last year when i finally got tired of paying the outrageous service fees.Having the star emblem removed was just part of owning one.Especially when the musical group Beastie Boys was popular and they wore the emblem around their necks. I would just go to the dealership , pay $125.00 and get a new one.Never thought TV would be a place to worry about Mercedes emblems.....................the times they are a changing.
Old 09-20-2010, 10:20 PM
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Originally Posted by taruffi57 View Post
Went to movie 9:20 PM 8/18/10 & parked behind businesses across street from Theatre at Lake Sumter Landing. Left movie about 11:20 PM. Discovered next morning that our Mercedes coupe had the front grille center large round/3 pointed star emblem pried off of it. Also, smaller same emblem on trunk lid appears to have been pried on with pocket knife. The scumbag lowlife broke that one - as part of it is still on the car. Also scratched the paint. I'm sure he is wearing it around his neck on a cheap chain or glued to his lime green jacked up '68 Impala 4 door with 24" chrome rims. Community Watch says NO security cameras in that parking lot. WHAT? As much money as Villagers pay in fees!!!!!!! IS YOUR CAR NEXT????? We'll have to eat this one.

Extremely agitated resident
too bad your 'entry'posting to TOTV had to be such a terrible report

if we can make a little light, get a '68 Impale emblem and stick it on

you might be passed over!

we've seen some unfitting characters in those lots ourselves that are cause for locking the car, something we haven't done since the big city 'burbs.

in TV and rural Md. there's not much car locking going on
we usually go windows down unless we're on the freeways and leave 'em down in hot parking lots unless we find some decent shade.

We will be careful now and watch for suspicious folk even ore

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Old 09-20-2010, 11:18 PM
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Your movie was on Saturday night . . . we've noticed a bunch of teens all over the squares on Friday and Saturday nights -- mostly in the bushes and hanging out in the parking lots. Who da thunk a retirement community would be a cool place for teens?
Old 09-21-2010, 04:02 AM
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I was at the square Saturday night as well and commented to my wife that there were an awful lot of non villagers around. Groups of teens and young adults with no seniors with them. On another thread I saw a home was broken into and robbed. The outside crowd may be starting to recognize this place as an easy mark for robbery and vandalism. Sumter county better recognize this quickly and take the appropriate action to step up patrols in the area. I would have to guess we cover 95% of the cost of the support they provide.
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Old 09-21-2010, 05:17 AM
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Default TV an easy mark?

Think the criminals will find out that at least half of residents are
"packing" and have lots of time to observe suspicious characters!
Old 09-21-2010, 06:02 AM
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I am suspicious.
Old 09-21-2010, 06:04 AM
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Folks might notice that most of the movies are "younger audience" flicks and drawing same from outside is a given.

The squares are the new Malls for them to hang out, and the lake boardwalk appears as the new "lovers lane".

Just wait until Brownwood is created.
Old 09-21-2010, 06:52 AM
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Do I remember reading or hearing somewhere that Lake Sumter Landing is private property rather than public property? I may be wrong but seems like I heard that.

If that is the case then police can't patrol there.

If it's public then there should always be police where there is a crowd of people.
Old 09-21-2010, 06:54 AM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
I am suspicious.
If you mean what I think you mean, I am too.
Old 09-21-2010, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
If you mean what I think you mean, I am too.
If what you mean is also what Gracie means and what I think you both mean, I thought the same thing, but am giving the benefit of the doubt .
Old 09-21-2010, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by ajbrown View Post
If what you mean is also what Gracie means and what I think you both mean, I thought the same thing, but am giving the benefit of the doubt .

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Old 09-21-2010, 07:30 AM
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Originally Posted by bkcunningham1
If you mean what I think you mean, I am too.

If what you mean is also what Gracie means and what I think you both mean, I thought the same thing, but am giving the benefit of the doubt .

I'm confused - I don't know what I think you mean, or what Gracie means, or anything! Please explain.
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