New sales letter

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Old 12-03-2007, 11:46 PM
conn8757 conn8757 is offline
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Default New sales letter

Received a new letter from the Villages that runs through 12/31/07 where homes are discounted from $14,000 - $86,000. The patio villas are discounted $12-15,000m
CYV $17,000 -42,000, and ranch & designer homes $15-86,000. The homes are mostly in Amelia, Duval, but $50,000 off the 12 remaining Vista Lago Villas. It says zero payments until July 2008.
I am really praying hard St. Joseph will come through for us and sell this house.
Village of Amelia, Orlando, Fl; Tampa, Fl., Irmo, S.C; Kewanee, Illinois ;Middleton, Ohio; Louisville, Ky; Marietta, Ga.
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