One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

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Old 08-09-2007, 11:36 AM
nanci2539 nanci2539 is offline
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Default One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

.....on my visits TV is the number of smokers who visit/live there. I know it's our era and I know it's a habit and a hard one to break.

I have never smoked or even tried it.

My family smokes and we lost our dad to lung cancer so I am sympathetic to those who do smoke and want to quit and can't. The rest of the family (mom, siblings) gave it up after he died.

But I wonder about the public places in TV and if there are any rules about smoking in public places?

When we were in the squares, I felt it was all around me. Even though outside, I was gagging on the smoke and found myself moving around a lot to avoid the smoke going in my face.

Please, I am not posting this to give smokers a hard time, I'm just wondering if there are any areas that are non-smoking period.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-09-2007, 11:46 AM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

All resturants are non-smoking............... NASTY habit.. I used to smoke 15 years ago..never knew how much I and my clothes stunk
Old 08-09-2007, 11:51 AM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

My wife & I quit in 89. We just got back from San Francisco Monday and I could count the smokers I saw on 2 hands after being there a week. Figured they were tourists. Totally opposite where we live now - barley is big BIZZNESS here in northern KY.

Old 08-09-2007, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

I smoke unfortunately and the pools are all non-smoking..The square is smoking but not where the entertainment is..I think it is non-smoking..

I hate my addiction and had a 50 year old brother die of lung cancer..My hubby does not smoke either..
It is a very dirty, nasty, habit/ addiction..I will be the first to agree..

There are not many places that allow smoke..I know that for a fact!

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Old 08-09-2007, 02:07 PM
nanci2539 nanci2539 is offline
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

Donna, my brother in law gave up a three pack of day habit, one he had for over 30 years. That was over two years ago.

I pointed him in the direction of the Ann Penman Laser clinic (there are may in different states). It's painless and not overly expensive. He went twice. The treatment or therapy takes away the physical addition almost immediately. The mental part of it is another story and that's the hurdle but each day got better.

If he can do it, in my opinion, anyone can do it because he was a die hard smoker who liked to smoke. It was at the persistence of my sister that he finally gave in and went. I had sent her the information after hearing it advertised and it was a blessing (in her eyes) that I happen to hear it one day and send it along.

Just someting to think about - I know how hard it is to want to give it up. I saw my Dad try to give it up many times but unfortunately, it got him before he could.

I guess I'm fortunate that I never had a desire to smoke or even try it.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-09-2007, 02:13 PM
swrinfla swrinfla is offline
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

You should know that Florida law prohibits smoking in eating establishments. Note, however, that I said "in." You can see folks smoking at the outdoor tables around Town Square at Spanish Springs. As a smoker of some 40 years (gave it up five years ago) I remember feeling like a social outcast for several years. Now, I try to be accommodating to smokers, even though I no longer allow the habit in my home!
Old 08-09-2007, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

Ya know, this is funny..I am a smoker who hates the smell of smoke in my house and in my face..I hate to smell smoke when I eat too..I do not usually sit outside and smoke while eating..I enjoy inside better..Go figure.. :dontknow:

I will go out to smoke between courses though..LOL..

That is when i crave the cigarettes..I feel bad for my hubby having to subject him to smoke while eating..See I am so ;D

I do like to eat at Denny's, and would love to sit and have a cigarette with my coffee but the less I smoke the better it is for me..

You guys are very understanding to smokers and that is very unusual...
Thanks, I do appreciate the consideration..

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Old 08-09-2007, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

I think it's getting harder and harder for smokers. In my workplace, people smoke outdoors and I hate to tel you the comments from others who pass them coming inside. It got so bad that now they have to smoke almost a block away from the entance door.

Don't get me wrong, I detest the smell of smoke and could never be friends with a smoker. I don't even like the smell on their clothing. BUT, I do have empathy for those who want to quit and can't.

Donna, if you truly want to quit; then make the commitment and take it a day at a time. I know my brother in law said it was the absolute best thing he ever did and still thanks me today for finding the clinic for him. You said you don't like the habit so I'm pulling for you - look in to the Anne Pedman clinics - they are reasoanble and they have lots of success stories.

Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-09-2007, 04:06 PM
rdkent rdkent is offline
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

Donna, I was a 3 pack a day unfiltered Pall Mall smoker. I tried quitting several times because my wife/kids wanted me to. Never made it past a few days. In 1990 I decided I wanted to quit because a) my wife has mild asthma, and we could no longer watch tv together, etc because I just had to smoke, and b) I was noticing it affected my breathing more and more, as well as sinuses. I quit cold turkey for about 5 days, and was suffering but hanging in there, when I happened to run into my doctor. Told him what I was doing, and he said he never could have quit without nicorette gum. Wrote me a scrip and I used the gum for about 3 months. Haven't had a cigarette since February 1990. It was one of the harder things I've done, but it can be done if YOU really want to. Good luck.
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Old 08-09-2007, 10:57 PM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

Rdkent..That is great..Good job.. :bigthumbsup:..I tried to quit 4 times..

I had a collapsed lung and was in ICU for 10 days..I quit for 6 months and was going nuts..Needless to say, I started again..Crazy..I know!! :'(

I tried the patch..I was allergic to it.I tried Zyban..I was allergic to it..Cold turkey..I went nuts!!!

I have tried so hard and had no luck!!

I do like to smoke but would love to quit..

I guess I have a very addictive personality..Ya think??

I give so much credit to people that have quit..I know how hard it is..I thought when I quit for 6 months, I had it licked..I did NOT!!

I am going to try Chantix..Pray I can do it this time..

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Old 08-09-2007, 11:14 PM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

Donna, sounds like me. I quit several times but always came back. Then I started to eliminate one ciggarettte a week till I got down to 1/2 pack a day. I have been smoking 1/2 pack a day for five years now. Not as good as quiting for good, but I don't crave the two pack a day habit I had for years. Good luck.
Old 08-10-2007, 05:36 AM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

I am also an ex smoker that took only about 1,600 attempts to quit. I was such a raving "you know what" by day three that my husband actually bought me cigarettes to calm me down. I admitted defeat and went on the anti depressants that work for quitting smoking. It kept the anxiety to a manageable level so I could focus on not smoking (Husband said that I wasn't a raving.....while using the meds). I also chewed the gum (LMAO for 2 and 1/2 years). I have been "clean" for 8 years. Knowledge isn't the key....I was an ICU nurse during part of my smoking career. Good luck to all of you trying to quit....hardest thing I ever did.
Old 08-10-2007, 09:02 AM
nanci2539 nanci2539 is offline
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

Donna - listen, you can do it! The first hurdle is admitting you want to stop.

Look into Anne Penman

Like I posted, it worked for my brother in law and he as a two plus pack a day smoker for over 30 years.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-10-2007, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: One Thing I Noticed about Smoking

I smoked 3 packs of camels a day for 35 years. I had just brought a new cartoon before going to the doctor's appointment (lung specialist) he told me that if I didn't quit smoking I wouldn't see 60. He gave me these things little cardgiges inhalers Holds a tiny bit of nicotine I went out to my truck and said God, my Heavenly Father I can't do this alone please help me! That was in 2003 I haven't smoked since my wife still smokes and many of the people I work with smoke but I don't. By the way I had a cat scan thing done and the doctor says my lungs show no signs of damage from all those years of smoking. So ask your doctor for the inhalers but most importantly ask the Lord to help you.
Old 11-10-2010, 10:45 PM
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Welbutrin has worked for many ! I eat too often, Anxiety, I guess, although I was never aware of it. My doctor put me on welbutrin and I no longer had the urge or need to eat. It stops cravings. Good Luck !
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