Posting Names and Phone Numbers

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Old 01-08-2008, 10:09 PM
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Default Posting Names and Phone Numbers

Folks, please don't post private phone numbers and full names here or any other public forum, even when you're trying to help someone drum up business. You never know who else is reading this.

It's one thing to give a business name and phone number, but private is dang dangerous. Send a PM with that information.

If you have done a post with someone's name and/or phone number, I'd suggest you modify your post and remove the phone number.

(Sorry DK, Tony and Jan -- I know I kinda usurped your duty but I've notice a trend lately to post this kind of information when people ask if someone knows someone who does certain kind of work.)
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Old 01-08-2008, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: Posting Names and Phone Numbers

Originally Posted by redwitch
Folks, please don't post private phone numbers and full names here or any other public forum, even when you're trying to help someone drum up business. You never know who else is reading this.

It's one thing to give a business name and phone number, but private is dang dangerous. Send a PM with that information.

If you have done a post with someone's name and/or phone number, I'd suggest you modify your post and remove the phone number.

(Sorry DK, Tony and Jan -- I know I kinda usurped your duty but I've notice a trend lately to post this kind of information when people ask if someone knows someone who does certain kind of work.)
That's a good suggestion. There are a lot of creeps on the net.
Old 01-08-2008, 10:40 PM
Hyacinth Bucket Hyacinth Bucket is offline
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Default Re: Posting Names and Phone Numbers

I agree.

As posted some on another thread, it is sad, that we can not trust others.

Old 01-11-2008, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: Posting Names and Phone Numbers

Thank you for making that point! Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa :redface:
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