Power outage

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Old 09-20-2009, 10:42 AM
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That leads to a question I have about power outages

We visited in July and as many others have said --fell in love with TV hope to be bask in February and will most likely buy since I will be retiring in August.

Does TV experience many outages during the year ? What is the usual duration of the outage if any

Do people buy back up generators ?

I work for the Utility here in NY and Outages are not that common unless there is a extended heat wave or violent winds that cause overhead wire damage. Outages are fairly short in duration so Back up generation is mostly limited to what we call "sensetive customers" Hospitals, nursing homes,etc

Thanks and Hope to join you folks soon
Old 09-20-2009, 10:48 AM
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Arrow Kathie Alert!!! Alert!!!

Originally Posted by KathieI View Post
OK, I have to admit something. Only my best friends know this.... but I'm always LATE!! with everything!! Forgot to pay the elec bill last week and got a phone call.. Right!? So wake up at 6am to complete darkness and thought, OK, Kath, you did it this time... Sunday morning, 6am, no elec...... you won't be able to get anyone till Monday morning to pay the bill. Me and the babies are going to suffocate to death cause its so hot in here, how am I going to keep my date today without electricity (and prob hot water), its okay, I'll go to F16's house..... look outside, stars are brighter than this city girl has ever seen in her life, and suddenly realize that the whole neighborhood is out!! Should I call F16 and wake him up? Should I call Chels and wake her up??? Oh I know, I'll drive over to their houses, oops, how do I get the garage door open, oh oh.... well, might as well go back to sleep. Find out, its wasn't just me, WHEW!! The whole neighborhood went out. Let me add..... this is the ONLY time I have ever missed a husband!!!!!!!!!!
Kathie, if you're ever scared or something happens, just call or come over and we can figure it out between the two of us because as I stated earlier, Vetman, my hero, slept through the whole thing!!! Missed a husband??? Hahaha! So did I and mine was snoring away next to me! LOL
Laughter and Light, Chelsea
Old 09-20-2009, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Kelsie52 View Post
That leads to a question I have about power outages

We visited in July and as many others have said --fell in love with TV hope to be bask in February and will most likely buy since I will be retiring in August.

Does TV experience many outages during the year ? What is the usual duration of the outage if any

Do people buy back up generators ?

I work for the Utility here in NY and Outages are not that common unless there is a extended heat wave or violent winds that cause overhead wire damage. Outages are fairly short in duration so Back up generation is mostly limited to what we call "sensetive customers" Hospitals, nursing homes,etc

Thanks and Hope to join you folks soon
I can't say because we only moved down in March and live here fulltime now.

What I can tell you is that all the utility lines are underground so a LIPA style power outage wouldn't happen. This morning's outage appeared to be limited in scope, mainly toward the southern tier of The Villages and lasted about an hour. I suspect that possibly a transformer malfunctioned or a cable broke. We do have an awful lot of construction going on in this area so who knows.

I've been told by other folks who have lived here longer that the power doesn't go out very often. The last time they had a power outage of such magnitude that you might want to have a generator was in the hurricane season of 2004.

What you really want to be concerned about is the fact that this is the lightning strike capital of the world. Since last summer when we first came down, three houses here in TV have been struck by lightning and burned to the ground. The lightning show is quite impressive. I just don't like sitting so close to the stage. Otherwise, it really is a nice place to live.

Old 09-20-2009, 01:19 PM
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homeball is right. I've been here 4 1/2 years and have seen maybe three outages, none longer than ten minutes, if that (none long enough to upset my VCR clock, even). Of course, the fact that power lines are all underground helps A LOT!

I was on my first visit here five years ago, just after Hurricane Frances. I stayed up near the Mulberry Grove Rec Center, never a problem. But, my brother and his neighbors on their airpark east of TV were without power for a week! I told them they ought to move "uptown!"

Lightning, yes. The last fire was close enough that several on my street immediately installed a Lightning Protection System (i.e., rods). I suppose we'll never really know whether it is working or not, but its presence eases the mind. And, it wasn't all that expensive.

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